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Skeuomorhpia demystifies crypto payments by simulating the reassuringly familiar and simple journey of withdrawing cash & spending it via an atm. Older generations are used to having in their hand. Now they can print their own crypto anytime.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Skeuomorphia is designed to simplify and demystify cryptocurrency payments by replicating the familiar experience of withdrawing and spending crypto like cash. By using skeuomorphic design principles, it creates a seamless and intuitive interface that mimics the trusted, everyday actions of handling physical currency, making crypto transactions feel safe and approachable for all users.

Problem We Solve: Cryptocurrency is often viewed as complex, risky, and inaccessible, particularly by older generations who are more accustomed to traditional financial systems. This perception is exacerbated by a lack of user-friendly experiences and the widespread association of crypto with criminal activity because of their weak UX/UI implementations.

Much of this resistance stems from the unfamiliarity of the technology and poor user interfaces that make crypto transactions feel abstract and difficult to grasp. For many, the idea of paying with crypto seems disconnected from the real-world experiences they trust, like using cash.

Our Solution: Skeuomorphia leverages skeuomorphism—the design concept of using familiar objects to explain new technology. Just as early email apps used envelope icons and VoIP apps used images of desk phones, Skeuomorphia uses the universally understood experience of withdrawing and spending cash to guide users through the process of making peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions.

By simulating this traditional cash journey, we eliminate the confusion and fear associated with crypto payments, making them as simple and reassuring as the physical transactions people already know. This approach helps users gain confidence in crypto while removing the barriers that make it feel inaccessible and foreign.

In short, Skeuomorphia redefines how users engage with cryptocurrency by transforming it into an intuitive, trusted, and easy-to-use experience—one that anyone, regardless of age or technical ability, can understand and embrace.

How it's Made

🛠️ How It's Made Skeuomorphia leverages several key technologies:

Smart Contracts (Solidity):

Manage minting, transfer, and redemption of paper stablecoin notes Implement secure key generation for each note

Frontend (React, TailwindCSS):

User-friendly ATM interface for minting notes Responsive design for accessibility on various devices

Backend (Node.js, Express):

API for connecting frontend to blockchain: viem and ethers.js Handle user authentication and transaction processing

Blockchain Integration (Web3.js):

Interact with Ethereum network for all transactions Implement gas optimization for cost-effective operations

Security (OpenZeppelin):

Utilize battle-tested smart contract libraries Implement role-based access control

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