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nvest in your future by expanding your network. Discover the power of connections in building wealth and unlocking opportunities.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description


In today's bustling freelance market, navigating the complexities and uncertainties can often feel overwhelming. One prevalent issue is the challenge of trust; it's becoming increasingly difficult to confidently rely on someone's professed skill set, as testimonials and experiences can be fabricated or misleading. Secondly, the process of performing due diligence on potential freelancers is not only time-consuming but also contradicts the primary advantage of hiring freelancers: to find quick, accessible, and reliable assistance for short-term tasks.

Introducing SkillSwap

In response to these challenges, we are excited to present SkillSwap, a revolutionary platform designed to alleviate these pain points for both consumers and freelancers. SkillSwap introduces four innovative features that significantly enhance the experience and interaction between clients and freelancers:

  1. Investment in Talent: At SkillSwap, we believe in nurturing talent. Our platform allows consumers to invest in freelancers they trust. The more work freelancers complete, the more recognition they gain, fostering a virtuous cycle of trust and quality work.

  2. Stake and Slash Mechanism: We've implemented a bidirectional system that protects both parties. Freelancers are required to stake a certain amount to create an account, which acts as a commitment to maintaining high standards. On the flip side, consumers have the ability to "slash" the staked amount if the freelancer behaves maliciously. Conversely, freelancers can report consumers if they fail to approve completed tasks in a timely manner. This dual-direction system ensures accountability and encourages fair play.

  3. Visualizing Talent: In the SkillSwap ecosystem, talent is quantified through "shards." The more shards an individual holds, the more valuable their profile. This innovative approach allows for the visualization of talent, making it easier for consumers to gauge the proficiency and reliability of freelancers. We invest in the future of individuals, transforming potential into tangible value.

  4. ERC20 Curve with Supply Management: Distinguishing itself from traditional fungible tokens (FT), SkillSwap utilizes ERC20 tokens to represent value. This choice enhances liquidity and market openness while simplifying transactions and reducing additional workload. Moreover, it offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing for the creation of pools or the management of tokens issued by freelancers, akin to meme coins.

SkillSwap is not just a platform; it's a community-driven initiative aimed at reshaping the freelance marketplace. By addressing the core issues of trust and efficiency, we pave the way for a more transparent, equitable, and dynamic freelance ecosystem. Join us in revolutionizing the way freelance work is found, performed, and rewarded. Welcome to SkillSwap, where we empower talent and redefine freelancing.

How it's Made

In the innovative world of SkillSwap, the essence of a freelancer's work is encapsulated through shares, with each share symbolizing an hour of the freelancer's professional time. This novel approach to valuing work introduces a transparent and equitable system where the initial value of a share is directly linked to the freelancer's hourly rate. This rate is meticulously determined by dividing the freelancer's initial stake by the desired number of shares they wish to issue, thereby aligning the freelancer's valuation with their anticipated work capacity.

To ensure this system reflects the practical limits of work capacity, SkillSwap enforces a range for the number of shares a freelancer can produce. This safeguard ensures that the shares issued are a realistic representation of the freelancer's availability and commitment, fostering a balanced and fair marketplace.

The pricing dynamics of these shares draw inspiration from the innovative bonding curve model, akin to that used by Friend Tech. This model ensures that as demand for a freelancer's shares increases, so too does their price, creating an adaptive economic environment that responds in real time to the marketplace's valuations.

To cultivate an atmosphere of integrity and mutual respect between freelancers and their clients, SkillSwap's smart contract is imbued with several protective measures. Freelancers are required to deposit an initial stake, a security that can be proportionally slashed should they fail to deliver as promised. Similarly, clients must lock in shares as pre-payment for services rendered, alongside a stake in ETH equivalent to the share's value. These stakes serve as powerful incentives for both parties to engage honestly, with the threat of financial penalty looming over any malicious intent.

In the event of a disagreement—where a freelancer asserts the completion of a task yet the client withholds approval—SkillSwap introduces a dispute resolution mechanism. An off-chain dispute administrator steps in to impartially assess the situation, ensuring fair play prevails. Should one party be found at fault, their stake is forfeited as a penalty, underscoring the platform's commitment to fairness.

Upon the successful execution of a service, the transaction reaches its harmonious conclusion: the freelancer receives the locked shares as remuneration, while the client gains both their initial stake and the valuable services they sought. This elegant exchange not only fulfills immediate contractual obligations but also enriches the ecosystem by circulating shares within the platform. As freelancers are compensated in their own shares, they are incentivized to either reinvest in their own growth or normalize their pricing by selling shares, thus adjusting to market demand.

SkillSwap's share-based compensation model transcends mere transactional exchanges, inviting users to invest in the burgeoning potential of freelancers. This not only fosters a vibrant community of professionals and clients but also elevates the freelancer's career trajectory through direct engagement with the marketplace's dynamics. Through SkillSwap, the future of freelance work is not just envisioned but actively crafted, one share at a time.

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