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Safe SDK Bubble plugin for No-Code Platform, empowering users to build secure applications effortlessly.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🏃‍♂️ Safe — Runner Up

Project Description

The project involves the development of a JavaScript API for the Safe SDK. The API acts as a wrapper around the Safe SDK, providing a convenient and streamlined interface for developers to interact with the SDK's features.

Within the JavaScript API, we have implemented a set of functions that enable various transaction operations. These functions include creating transactions, which involves defining the necessary parameters such as recipient, and transaction amount. Additionally, we have implemented functionality for creating a safe.

To ensure a smooth integration process, the API includes functions for retrieving pending transactions, confirming transactions, executing transactions, and proposing transactions. These functions enable developers to manage and track transaction status efficiently.

To make the Safe SDK integration accessible to users of, a popular visual programming platform, we created a dedicated plugin. allows users to build web and mobile applications without traditional coding, offering a user-friendly environment for application development.

By importing the plugin, users gain access to the powerful features of the Safe SDK seamlessly within their application development process. They can leverage the functions provided by the API to create secure transactions, manage digital assets within a safe, and perform other essential operations while benefiting from enhanced security measures.

Overall, this project brings together the Safe SDK, JavaScript API development, bundling, AWS deployment, and integration with, resulting in a comprehensive solution that empowers developers to build secure and robust applications with ease.

How it's Made

Creating a JS API for Safe SDK: We developed a JavaScript API that acts as a wrapper around the Safe SDK. This API provides convenient functions and methods to interact with the Safe SDK's features and functionalities.

Adding functions for various transaction operations: Within your JS API, we implemented functions for various transaction-related operations. These include creating transactions, creating a safe (a secure container for managing digital assets), retrieving pending transactions, confirming transactions, executing transactions, and proposing transactions.

Bundling the JS API: After developing the JS API, we bundled it together, which involves packaging all the necessary files and dependencies into a single file. Bundling optimizes the performance and makes it easier to distribute our API.

Deploying on AWS: We deployed the bundled JS API on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Creating a plugin on is a visual programming platform that allows users to build web and mobile applications without traditional coding. We created a plugin specifically designed for

Importing the bundled minified version of the API: Within the plugin development environment, we imported the bundled version of our JS API.

By following these steps, we've created a plugin that integrates the Safe SDK's capabilities into, allowing users of to leverage the functionalities provided by the Safe SDK and build applications with enhanced security features.

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