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SlothyFi is a no-code modular yield workflow automation tool built for lazy DeFi sloths and advanced users alike. It is user friendly, permissionless, trustless and easy to develop extensions for.


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🍷 APWine — Wine Connoisseur

🏊‍♂️ ENS — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Pocket Network — Pool Prize

📤 Autonomy — 🥇 Best Use of AutoStation

Project Description

Through the SlothyFi dapp, users can create their very own personalised workflow with a modular approach. Users can combine starting blocks, action blocks, repetition blocks and split blocks using our user friendly UI to craft the perfect automation. No coding skill is required to create workflows of any kind of complexity, we value true accessibility.

Each user’s workflow sits in a SlothyVault, which is deployed on creation and isolates a single user's assets. The vaults interact with SlothyBlocks to perform a strategy. Each SlothyBlock is built to perform a single (single transaction) action.

Autonomy Network takes care of executing the loop(s) once certain conditions are met and as long as there is enough leftover gas token funded by the user during the setup process.

Slothy is builder focused and everyone can contribute to the repository. Any project can build their integration on top of the Slothy Base Block by submitting their own bricks to the open source repository. This approach makes the protocol modular and composable.

The goal for SlothyFi is to become the goto app for custom yield automation, integrating as many DeFi lego bricks as possible.

Apwine, Superfluid and Aave are already partially integrated and the library can be easily expanded!

In the future users will be able to copy and share a workflow so that anyone can benefit from complex strategy automation.

How it's Made

SlothyFi is deployed on the Polygon chain and has block integrations with APWine, Superfluid, and Aave. The dapp is built using React, forked from scaffold-eth. SlothyFi’s smart contracts are accessed through the RPC end points of the Pocket network which enhances decentralisation, reliability and security, while it restricts censorship. ENS is used to link the IPFS deployment of the site to DXDAO’s resolution service. ENS domains are also shown in the dapp for connected users. Users may decide to use WalletConnect for interaction. For automation execution we use Autonomy Network’s AutoStation service. All of the smart contracts are written in Solidity and we use Hardhat as a testing framework.

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