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Smarter Contract

Smarter Contract, powered by Hyperlane, optimizes smart contract performance by intelligently delegating functions to the most cost-efficient blockchain in real-time. It's a leap towards efficient, accessible, and cost-effective blockchain interaction.

Smarter Contract

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🥇 Hyperlane — Best Use

🏆 ETHGlobal Waterloo 2023 Finalist

Project Description

Have you ever wondered how we could optimize the efficiency of smart contracts, harness the unique strengths of various blockchains seamlessly, and simplify the complexities of cross-chain operations? Well, ponder no more. Welcome to the future with Smarter Contract.

Our solution, powered by the cross-chain protocol Hyperlane, takes smart contracts beyond their current limits. It's not just about making them smart anymore; it's about making them smarter. Here's how:

At the heart of Smarter Contract are several critical components:

GasEstimator: Think of it as a strategist for your contract. It simulates the contract's functions on various chains, determining the most cost-efficient blockchain for each function at any given moment.

Function Dispatcher: Once the GasEstimator chooses the most efficient chain, our dispatcher acts like a courier service. It uses Hyperlane to accurately deliver these functions to their optimal chains.

Result Aggregator: After the functions have run their course on their respective chains, our Result Aggregator steps in. It's like the grand finale of a performance, bringing together the results and presenting them in a unified view.

Our user-friendly front-end interface is the cherry on top. Users can connect their wallets, choose the function they want to execute, and input their data. They can monitor their functions in real-time and see their gas fee savings firsthand.

The goal of Smarter Contract is to redefine efficiency and cost-effectiveness in executing and maintaining smart contracts. By delegating functions to different chains based on real-time conditions, we boost your smart contract's performance while driving down costs.

By tapping into Hyperlane's cross-chain protocol, Smarter Contract unlocks the potential of multiple blockchains, tailoring them to your smart contract's needs. This is more than just an upgrade; it's a leap towards a user-friendly, accessible, and cost-effective use of blockchain technology.

So, are you ready to experience this revolution? Join us on this journey as we reshape the way we interact with blockchain technology through Smarter Contract.

How it's Made

Smart Contract Development: We utilized Solidity, a programming language for Ethereum smart contracts, to develop the core functionality of Smarter Contract. With Solidity, we defined the contract logic, state variables, and functions that enable intelligent distribution across multiple chains.

Hyperlane Cross-Chain Protocol: The integration of Hyperlane was pivotal in achieving seamless communication and interoperability across different blockchain networks. Hyperlane served as the backbone, facilitating function routing to optimal chains based on real-time gas estimations.

Gas Estimation and Optimization: Gas estimation played a crucial role in identifying the most cost-efficient chain for executing each function. Using frameworks like Hardhat, we implemented gas estimation techniques by running pre-execution simulations to evaluate gas costs across multiple chains. This ensured functions were intelligently distributed to chains with optimal cost-effectiveness.

Function Dispatching and Result Aggregation: Powered by Hyperlane, our function dispatching mechanism intelligently routed functions to the appropriate chains based on gas estimation results. Once executed, the results were aggregated and stored in a unified view for the originating chain, ensuring efficient execution and consolidation of function outputs.

In more detail, the execute function initiated computations by accepting parameters such as destChain, recipient, functionId, and args. Based on cost-efficiency evaluations done beforehand using the quoteGasPayment function, destChain and recipient represented identifiers for the chosen blockchain network and contract respectively. The operation details were encapsulated into a payload and dispatched to the specified contract on the target network using the dispatch function.

This dispatching process relied on the Hyperlane infrastructure, guaranteeing accurate routing of computation requests to the appropriate blockchain network and contract.

Upon receipt of the dispatched payload, the recipient contract's handle function was triggered. This function executed the operation based on the decoded details, storing the result. To maintain integrity, any unrecognized or invalid operations triggered a revert process, ensuring only valid operations were executed.

In our future work, we plan to enhance Smarter Contract by incorporating features like DSProxy or other methods to handle a broader spectrum of functions. This will enable our smarter contracts to seamlessly interact with decentralized file storages such as Filecoin, unlocking new possibilities and promoting intelligent interoperability across different blockchain platforms.

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