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Providing L2 Smart contract developers with tools to develop bug free smart contracts


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

For this project we built a developer tool that allows the generations and debugging of smart contracts for L2 developers. We took an open source model that was fine tuned on the llama2.0 llm to generate highly accurate eth smart contracts. We also took a static analysis framework for finding common bugs in smart contracts and combine the to two find and fix bugs in existing contracts.

How it's Made

We authenticate users by using two smart contracts, one on Arbitrum and one on Gnosis. Once a user has paid they gain access to the network and can upload and prompt the models. The website is built in react and the WEB2.0 backend is built in python and in Go. The model is fine tuned using the QLoRa method. We used the smart contracts to valid users as an alternative to traditional JWT auth.

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