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snAAps😺 - AA On 🦊

A custom Metamask Snap designed for seamless control of all ERC-4337 AA wallets. Start your Account Abstraction journey with ease and flexibility.

snAAps😺 - AA On 🦊

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

MetaMask - Best Metamask Snap Runner Up

Project Description

snAAps 😸: Revolutionizing Web3 Wallet Interaction Introduction

In the digital era, wallets are more than just a place to store assets; they are the gatekeepers of our Web3 identity and our interaction with Web2. snAAps 😸 embraces this evolution by introducing a customizable Account Abstraction Wallet Interface, designed for all EVM-compatible smart contract wallets. Our vision is to transform the traditional concept of wallets, making them as adaptable, expressive and user-centric as Web2 browsers.

Innovation and Compatibility

EVM Compatibility and Control: snAAps offers complete control and expression over users' Account Abstraction Smart Contract Wallets, ensuring compatibility across all EVM chains. This versatility is crucial in an era increasingly leaning towards ERC4337, a standard that represents the future of blockchain transactions.

Metamask Integration: Recognizing the widespread use of Metamask, snAAps ensures seamless control of AA wallets within this popular platform, enhancing user experience without disrupting existing workflows.

Future-Forward Ideas

Multi-Chain, Multi-Account Abstraction: Our vision extends to enabling multi-account abstraction wallets across multiple chains. This approach not only improves user experience but also opens up new possibilities, like buying on Layer 1 (L1) and paying on Layer 2 (L2). Although current technologies like Axiom limit this capability, our ongoing experimentation is paving the way for future breakthroughs.

One Wallet to Rule Them All: The future of snAAps lies in its plugin market. Anticipating the release of ERC6900, we foresee vast opportunities in Plugin SDKs for Snaps, further enhancing the wallet’s adaptability and functionality.

Case Study: ApeCoin DAO and ApeID

To showcase the potential of snAAps, we introduce "ApeID," a unique feature linked to smart contract wallets. ApeID is a "premium" subdomain, purchasable exclusively with Ape tokens, and designed for permanence.

Unique and Lasting Identity: ApeID isn't just a temporary digital identity; it's a 99-year commitment, with automatic renewal, tied to the user's smart contract wallet. This ensures a lasting and consistent presence across different chains.

Revenue Sharing and Deflationary Mechanism: The sale of ApeID subdomains directly benefits the ApeCoin DAO, with 50% of the revenue allocated to the DAO and the remainder burnt, creating a deflationary effect. This design not only supports the ApeCoin ecosystem but also provides users with a valuable, exclusive identity marker.

How it's Made

  • The best challenging thing was in our side, metamask keyring does not support account abstraction wallets directly and we somehow tricked the keyring api to support different signer from the address of the contract.
  • we build a custom snap for metamask to support account abstraction wallets on Metamask.
  • We integrate the Pimlico as the bundler.
  • We used typescript, react, solidity, hardhat.
  • We integrate the Base Goerli and Ethereum Goerli.
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