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Snap-Donate: Your wallet's nudge to give back! This sleek reminder fits with your cards, turning every spend into a chance to support causes like UNICEF. Easy giving, big impact. #ChangeInYourPocket


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Our project, SnapDonate, leverages the MetaMask Snaps' manageState function. It monitors your wallet for any incoming transactions exceeding 1 ETH. When such a transaction is detected, SnapDonate activates, suggesting a donation to your chosen charity. At present, this feature supports only the UNICEF Venture Fund. SnapDonate presents a QR code for the donation, which you can conveniently scan with your mobile device to complete the payment.

How it's Made

Our project introduces a pioneering MetaMask Snap, designed to revolutionize the way MetaMask users contribute to charities. Initially, our focus is on supporting the UNICEF Venture Fund, with an ambitious vision to integrate smart contracts for personalized donation preferences in the future. The core of our development utilized TypeScript and Flask.

We embarked on our journey with an innovative concept: enabling users to approve or reject transactions directly within the Snap. However, we encountered a technical limitation. Ingeniously, we overcame this challenge by integrating a QR code feature into the Snap. This addition not only resolved our initial obstacle but also enhanced the user experience. Now, users can initiate transactions seamlessly from their mobile devices, ensuring their main device activities remain uninterrupted.

Our ingenuity didn't stop there. We devised an ingenious method to monitor MetaMask account balances. By leveraging the manageState function of MetaMask Snaps, SnapDonate can now actively track the user's balance, providing real-time notifications when it exceeds 1 ETH. Furthermore, we broke new ground in QR code technology, successfully creating SVG-based QR codes. This leap not only elevates our project's technical prowess but also enriches the user experience with smoother, more efficient interactions.

This project isn't just a technological advancement; it's a gateway to a more connected and philanthropic digital world.

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