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Snaprify: PrfsOnSnap

Proofs sharing made easy by Metamask Snaps - Append your proofs with a few clicks!

Snaprify: PrfsOnSnap

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

This project utilizes a new MetaMask Snaps and Prfs to help users easily submit proof page URLs while they are using Internet applications. Users create proofs on their own at Prfs and then save them at Snap which is browser-wide available. They then can visit other existing web applications and attach proofs simply with a few clicks.

How it's Made

We built MetaMask Snap to store proof links generated at Prfs. We modified Prfs to support "Save in Snap" and persisted at Snap short URLs of proof pages it issued. Prfs allows us to use the Ethereum address on top of Secp256k1 curve as-is when generating proofs, so it's even more seamless integration with MetaMask Snap.

Since Snap isn't supporting "main UI" as of now (2023 Nov), we built an additional example social application to showcase how the use flow will be.

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