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A platform offering a physical product and a service: buying a physical piece of art whose underlying asset is an nft. Generate real-yield for NFT holders who provide the image of their NFT. The platform supports all the Yuga Labs IPs and all exchanges are in $APE.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Our project aims to address two issues:

Making artworks from a rare and desirable universe accessible to a larger audience while ensuring the authenticity and legitimacy of these pieces without compromising the brand image.

Providing an alternative yield to $APE staking for NFT holders.

Consequently, we have two types of users: customers seeking to purchase an artwork and NFT holders who make their NFT images available.

On the demand side: The customer will choose from available NFTs the one they want to acquire in physical form. They can then personalize their artwork by selecting the size and style. Payment is exclusively in $APE, which brings utility to the token.

On the supply side: The challenge is to encourage collection holders to offer their NFTs to customers. For this purpose, the NFT holder must possess a certain amount of $APE in their wallet (an incentive to hold the token).

Revenue sharing generated by art sales: 60% goes to the platform, 30% to the owner of the used NFT, and 10% distributed among all NFT holders who have made their NFTs available on the marketplace.

How it's Made

We initiated this project by analyzing our partners to determine how each person could contribute based on their skills and the deadline. Being our first concrete project in Web3, team collaboration and ownership were crucial.

Following a brainstorming session to explore our respective ideas and knowledge, we focused on ApeCoin, finding their concept feasible. Tasks were allocated: a project manager for supervision, a web designer for the visual aspects, and three developers for technical implementation.

We used Figma and Illustrator for graphic design, Solidity for the Smart Contract, Express for the Back Office, and Quasar for the Front Office in development. GitHub and Discord were our primary collaborative tools.

Out of this collaboration emerged SolidArt, a platform enabling the acquisition of physical NFTs and providing NFT and APE holders the opportunity to profit from their creations. Integration into the SolidArt community brought us closer to the Yuga Labs universe and its IP.

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