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Introducing SoundSafe: Elevate your payment experience with our mobile app, using ultrasound for secure transactions on any device. Leveraging secure enclave technology, your face is your new seedphrase. Simple, secure, hassle-free.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of


Project Description

SoundSafe is an innovative mobile application designed to simplify and secure cryptocurrency transactions using advanced ultrasound technology. The Appliction allow the user to deploy a safe without even knowing it, using the SECP256r1 as private key. Thus, Payments transactions are simplified. With cross-platform compatibility, it extends its accessibility to a diverse array of mobile devices.

it is Sound Safe! Ultrasound Technology for Transactions

Description: The main technology is encrypted an action using ultrasound technology. It allows the user to send and receive cryptocurrency transactions using sound waves.

Benefits: The main benefit is that it is a secure way to send and receive cryptocurrency transactions. It is also a convenient way to send and receive cryptocurrency transactions. As the system work for around 20 centimeters, it is a good way to send and receive cryptocurrency transactions in a crowded place, and prevent it from attack, like man in the middle. Secure Enclave Integration

Description: The application is using the Secure Enclave to store the private key. Thus, the private key is never stored in the application, and the user does not have to worry about it. Facial Recognition as a Password

Description: The application is using the facial recognition as a password. Thus, the user does not have to remember a password, and it is a secure way to access the application. User Experience: The user experience is improved by the facial recognition technology, as it is an easy way to access the app, and create some data flawlessly. Cryptocurrency Management

Supported Cryptocurrencies: The app support a wide range of tokens, because it is our concern that the user have the possibility and is not limited to a specific token. User Interface & Experience

Description: The minimalist design of the app is intended to provide a seamless user experience. Unique Design Elements: only 2 buttons to do everything! Development and Technical Details

Technology Stack: The application is coded in React-Native. Moreover, The safe modules are the keys of the project, thaks to the possibilities that it gives. Development Challenges: Deploy the safe modules without store the private key was a real challenge. Future Roadmap

Upcoming Features: The main goal is to have a fully developed application. Thus, we need to implement first the OnRamp kit, which will allow the user to pay with Apple Pay and directly send funds to the receiver. Long-Term Vision: The idea provided as this hackathon could really become an application that could become essential for many peoples; particular, exchange of funds between people from different nationalities. Security Measures:

Description: [Detail the various security measures implemented in the app, such as two-factor authentication, encryption, etc.] Compliance and Certifications: [Mention any compliance with financial regulations or security certifications the app has achieved.] Compatibility:

Supported Devices: [List the types of devices and operating systems compatible with SoundSafe.] Cross-Platform Functionality: [Describe how the app works across different platforms, if applicable.] Development and Technical Details:

Technology Stack: [Describe the technology stack used in developing the app.] Development Challenges: [Discuss any challenges faced during the development process and how they were overcome.] Future Roadmap:

Upcoming Features: [Outline any planned features or updates.] Long-Term Vision: [Describe the long-term goals and vision for SoundSafe.] Conclusion:

[Provide a concluding statement about the impact and significance of SoundSafe in the realm of cryptocurrency transactions.]

How it's Made

Project Development Overview: SoundSafe

Conceptualization: The SoundSafe project began with a focus on integrating cutting-edge ultrasound technology with robust security features for cryptocurrency transactions. The goal was to create an app that was both user-friendly and highly secure, leveraging the secure enclave available on modern smartphones.

Technology Stack:

Mobile App Development: Platforms: We developed native apps for iOS and Android. Languages: Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android. Frameworks: UIKit on iOS, Android Jetpack for Android. Ultrasound Technology Integration: We used a custom-developed ultrasound communication protocol. The protocol allows for high-frequency sound waves to transmit data between devices, inaudible to the human ear. Security Implementation: Secure Enclave: Utilized Apple's Secure Enclave and similar technologies on Android for cryptographic operations. Facial Recognition: Integrated with Face ID on iOS and Biometric Authentication on Android. Encryption: Implemented end-to-end encryption for all transaction data. Backend and Database: Language: Node.js for backend logic. Database: MongoDB for flexible data storage. APIs: RESTful APIs for app-backend communication

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