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A dApp for sport clubs to motivate their fans to not only watch sport but live a sporty life, enabled by a UX for 8 billion people


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - SportFi Projects 2nd place

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

The SpiceUp project is a NextJS web application on Chiliz Spicy Testnet. By utilizing Dynamic Wallet and the Biconomy SDK users can stay completely within their well known user explierence flows and do not need to be web3 native, so SpiceUp can be very well used for onboarding new people to web3. Sport Clubs/Sponsors can create sport challenges with a prize pool. The SpiceUp app lets users connect with their Strava Accounts, to fetch sport activity data and log the activity into SpiceUp challenges. Through Token Gating sport clubs can also make sure challenges are specific for their fan base. Once a challenge has ended, the top 3 positions can claim CHZ token from the prize pool.

How it's Made

The project is built upon the nextjs template nexth utilizing wagmi. The Walletconnect provider has been subsituted with the Dynamic Wallet. Through the Strava API activity data is fetched, which also requires authentication, that is done with the help of Supabase as a DB. The smart contract is written in solidity and deployed on Chiliz Spicy Testnet (Chain ID 8882). For easier UX the biconomy account abstraction SDK v4 is used. For design of the frontend daisyUI is used.

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