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Spotter Snap

Spotter Snap is a proactive alert and protection system against crypto exploits inside Metamask

Spotter Snap

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Spotter Snap is a proactive alert and protection system against crypto exploits inside Metamask

Spotter Snap notifies and proactively protects Metamask users from crypto hacks using Pessimistic Spotter API, which is a predictive monitoring service that can prevent the hack before it even happens.

How it's Made

Real-time alerts about new hacks happening to the contracts a user is subscribed to.

Real-time notifications about all exploits detected by Pessimistic Spotter.

Transaction insights, which can warn the user if he will interact with a contract that is highly likely under attack.

Backup account. If the contract is under attack and the user holds funds in it, Spotter Snap can extract these funds from the contract on the user's behalf and store them in an account controlled by Snap. This feature uses Snaps Keyring API and was not fully implemented during the hackathon

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