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Stadium bridges web2 sport communities to web3 providing new incentives for real fans, and generating a new opportunity to raise funding to improve for smaller teams.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Stadium is a platform that allows real fans (token holders) to connect with each other and create communities based on this common ground, send and vote on proposals, and have a responsibility steering the future of the club.

The platform works both ways:

  • Fans that own tokens are allowed to stake them to be perceived as more committed fans, accessing incentives such as voting and steering the future of the club, participating in the community, and eventually receiving benefits directly from the clubs themselves.

  • Clubs possess a direct communication channel with their community that is filtered and structured in proposals, allowing them to suggest new future opportunities and generate engagement with their fans. Also, being able to create new community club tokens is a mean of generating new funding opportunities for smaller teams.

The final objective is providing a rational argument for fans to be fans of teams, allowing them to have a stake in their future, vote on proposals, communicate with them, and steer the club to a better future. Finally, small teams will be benefited from this opportunity to leverage network effects and allow everyone to invest in their team, bringing funding into the club that will allow to achieve higher goals. 
This project is built on top of Chilliz, leveraging Dynamic for better accessibility and wallet abstraction, allowing users to enter by using their emails directly.

How it's Made

    1. Wallet Abstraction for login. 
> Log in with your email. Dynamic creates a wallet for your email allowing anyone to join the platform. Token holders can link the wallet where they have their tokens through their private keys for fan token tracking and filters to kick in to let you know to what communities you can belong. We maintain the option to connect self-custody wallet.

Integrated Chilliz network into Dynamic. Got the configuration from Chilliz, put it into EVM networks - customs, and set up a dev dashboard to allow custom networks. 

    1. Token-Based Access to communities and Rewards: Require fan token holding as a criterion for access, ensuring an invested and passionate community. Implement a locking mechanism where members can lock club tokens to gain access to higher-tier content or exclusive channels within the community.


Use tokens held on wallet to determine communities you can access. We use the Spicy explorer API that gives us the tokens a wallet has. This communicates with the chain and the frontend filter.
 Smart contract for locking period. Allow for locking/unlocking tokens - set time periods so you can query amount of tokens locked and duration of it. Reinforce commitment by locking tokens - the more time locked, the more value your token has. In the future these users will be subject to club incentives, NFTs, or others. Frontend / Posts, likes and comments. 
- 2. Voting and Governance: Use tokens to give members voting rights on community matters. Implement DAO principles for community governance, allowing token takers to propose and vote on initiatives.


Fan ballot. Smart contract that allows users to create a ballot. Voting on the ballot. Smart contract for voting. Participate in the community. Send proposals. Based on the lock duration of your tokens your voting power increases.

    1. Create new tokens for small teams. Create new ERC20s on Chilliz that are sold to fan communities allowing clubs to raise money providing incentives. In order to deploy a new ERC20 fan token a legal document is required. This document is stored in IPFS and linked in the fan token contract. How:

Token builder smart contract. Funding token contract deployed to launch new fan tokens for smaller teams. For IPFS we connected to the Pinata API.

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