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Devdock: Elevate your VS Code with AI-powered chat and code completion. Earn STARK tokens for successful deployments. Authenticate via Web3 and GitHub, track progress, and fine-tune models with your data. A Developer Knowledge Graph for top-tier protocol adoption and rewards.


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Project Description

Devdock is a state-of-the-art co-pilot VS Code extension tailored for the Starknet ecosystem. It not only aids developers in their coding tasks but also rewards them for successful contract deployments. With its unique architecture, Devdock provides a seamless integration with various APIs and authentication services, ensuring data verifiability and developer engagement.

Architecture The architecture of Devdock is divided into several key components, each playing a crucial role in its functionality:

VS Code Extension: The core interface where developers interact with Devdock.

Chat: Integrated with OpenAI and Backend Devdock API for real-time assistance. Code Completion: Powered by Ollama API/Codestral for intelligent code suggestions. Web3 Login: Utilizes Web3 OAuth for authentication, enabling GitHub login and Starknet wallet connection. Terminal Output Monitoring: Reads terminal outputs to detect successful deployments. Backend Integration: Ensures smooth communication between the extension and various services.

Data Logging: Captures code content and errors for model training. Trainer Wallet Address: Sends data and wallet address to the backend for verifiable proof. Smart Contracts and Token Rewards: Handles the financial incentives for developers.

STARK Tokens: Allocates tokens to developers upon successful deployments. Developer Knowledge Graph: A novel feature that maps out developer interactions, contributions, and expertise.

Authentication and Data Verifiability Authentication in Devdock is managed through Web3Auth, utilizing GitHub for user sign-in and Starknet wallets for transaction management. This dual authentication ensures:

Data Integrity: Each action is tied to a verifiable identity. Proof of Work: Ensures that the data used for training models is of high quality and genuine. The verifiable data proofs are crucial in building a trusted and reliable developer ecosystem. By leveraging authenticated wallets and GitHub accounts, Devdock can track genuine developer contributions, ensuring that only high-quality data is used to fine-tune AI models.

Developer Adoption and Knowledge Graph Developer adoption is vital for any protocol's success. Devdock's integration into the daily workflow of developers allows it to gather in-depth insights into the challenges developers face. By providing real-time assistance and rewarding successful deployments, Devdock fosters a supportive and incentivized environment.

The creation of a Developer Knowledge Graph is a cornerstone of Devdock's vision. This graph:

Maps Expertise: Identifies top developers and their areas of expertise. Facilitates Collaboration: Connects developers based on their skillsets and contributions. Drives Innovation: Encourages the sharing of knowledge and best practices within the community. True Ownership of AI Models Devdock aims to give true ownership of AI models to data providers, in this case, developers. By using their data to train models, developers retain ownership and receive royalties for their contributions. This approach leverages the best of both AI and blockchain technology, ensuring:

Fair Compensation: Developers are rewarded for their contributions. Sustainable Model Development: Continuous improvement of AI models based on real-world data and challenges faced by developers. Enhancing Protocol Adoption With verifiable data proofs and a robust authentication mechanism, Devdock accelerates protocol adoption by:

Building Trust: Ensures that the data used for model training is genuine and high-quality. Identifying Outliers: Detects and highlights exceptional developers and their contributions. Encouraging Participation: Provides financial incentives to encourage more developers to participate and contribute. Conclusion Devdock is not just an AI-powered assistant but a revolutionary platform that integrates AI and blockchain to empower developers. By providing real-time assistance, rewarding contributions, and ensuring data integrity, Devdock is set to redefine the developer experience in the Starknet ecosystem. The future of developer intelligence is here, with AI models trained on the best minds, collectively owned by those who contribute to their development.

How it's Made

Devdock Architecture Diagram Description

  1. VS Code Extension:

Chat: Integrated with OpenAI Communicates with Backend Devdock API Code Completion: Powered by Ollama API/Codestral Provides intelligent code suggestions Web3 Login: Utilizes Web3 OAuth Enables GitHub login and Starknet wallet connection 2. Backend Integration:

Data Logging: Captures code content and errors Trainer Wallet Address: Sends data and wallet address to the backend for verifiable proof 3. Smart Contracts and Token Rewards:

STARK Tokens: Allocates tokens to developers upon successful deployments Assign Function: Called on smart contract after successful deployment to allocate tokens 4. Developer Knowledge Graph:

Maps Expertise: Identifies top developers and their areas of expertise Facilitates Collaboration: Connects developers based on their skillsets and contributions Drives Innovation: Encourages sharing of knowledge and best practices within the community

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