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The Starship platform allows users to participate in prediction markets using Gnosis Chain and Worldcoin. It leverages the features provided by Gnosis Chain for scalability, security, and permissionless transactions.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

The Starship Platform is an innovative project that aims to revolutionize the way prediction markets operate. With a strong emphasis on user experience and seamless functionality, this platform provides a comprehensive solution for users to engage in prediction-based activities.

The platform begins with a user registration and account management system, ensuring that each participant has a unique and secure identity within the platform. Through this system, users can create and manage their accounts, enabling them to participate in various prediction market activities.

One of the key features of the platform is its event creation and management capabilities. Users can create events based on various topics or themes, allowing other participants to predict the outcome of these events. This feature promotes user-generated content and ensures a diverse range of events for users to engage with.

To facilitate predictions, the platform incorporates robust betting mechanisms. Users can place bets on different outcomes of the events created on the platform, providing a thrilling and competitive environment. These betting mechanisms are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that even those new to prediction markets can easily participate.

Once an event is concluded, the platform employs an outcome resolution and reward distribution process. This process ensures that the correct outcome is determined fairly and transparently, allowing users who predicted correctly to be rewarded accordingly. By implementing a secure and trustworthy resolution mechanism, the platform fosters trust and credibility among its user base.

To enhance the platform's functionality and utility, it integrates Worldcoin as its native currency. Worldcoin serves as the primary medium of exchange within the prediction market ecosystem, enabling users to seamlessly transact, place bets, and receive rewards. The integration of Worldcoin adds an additional layer of convenience and efficiency to the overall user experience.

To support the platform's operations, the project utilizes Gnosis Chain, a decentralized infrastructure specifically designed for prediction market applications. Following the installation instructions, users can set up their own Gnosis Chain node, contributing to the decentralized nature of the platform and ensuring its resilience and reliability.

In order to test and deploy the platform, participants can obtain Worldcoin tokens, which are used for testing purposes as well as real deployments. This allows users to familiarize themselves with the platform's functionalities and explore its potential in a controlled environment.

The Starship Platform aims to provide a cutting-edge solution for users seeking an engaging, transparent, and secure prediction market experience. With its user-centric design, seamless betting mechanisms, fair outcome resolution, and integration of Worldcoin, this platform strives to become a leading destination for prediction market enthusiasts and participants.

How it's Made

The Starship Platform was built using the following technologies:

Next.js: A React framework for server-side rendering, providing faster page loads and SEO benefits. Wagmi: A state management library for Next.js applications, simplifying the management of complex application state. Rainbowkit: A UI component library used to enhance the visual aesthetics and consistency of the user interface. APIs: External APIs were integrated to fetch and process data, ensuring real-time and accurate information. Gnosis Chain: A decentralized infrastructure designed for prediction market applications, ensuring reliability and security. Worldcoin: Integrated as the native currency, facilitating seamless transactions within the prediction market ecosystem.

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