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STC-GlobalDevDao Build a hub platform from web2 to web3,help web2 applications quickly realize web3 transformation,provides computing and service operation layer,and application Dao aggregation layer to help applications quickly realize decentralization and web3ization.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Web2 applications run in a centralized environment and lack the necessary infrastructure for decentralization and credible operating environments, so web2 applications cannot have the attributes of application decentralization and application trustworthiness, and the cost of transforming web3 applications from web2 applications is also high. GlobalDevDao provides a web3 transformation workshop that can be operated on a platform for web2 applications, provides a decentralized global cloud operating environment, a decentralized global service operation governance environment, and provides a global decentralized trusted function computing scheduling environment to help web2 applications quickly transform web3.

How it's Made

System Introduction

GlobalDevDao uses FVM blockchain as a carrier to build security control contracts, container computing contracts, COD computing platform contracts, and oracle contracts, giving full play to the programmable characteristics and ecological integrity of FVM. The Dao organization is used to build a distributed entity structure. Its ownership, governance and decision-making processes are transparently carried out through on-chain activities to form a set of aggregator frameworks to realize web2 to web3. The data query in the GlobalDevDao platform is synchronized through a decentralized network, a multi-regional site metadata browser and a trusted event patrol layer based on Nostr.

Oracle Network

GlobalDevDao adapts on the FVM based on the Chainlink oracle network and deploys link tokens on the FVM to support token transaction swaps in the oracle network. By deploying the Chainlink oracle contract on the FVM, it fully adapts to the storage and programmable capabilities of the FVM, ensures on-chain and off-chain data interoperability, and completes a series of computing capabilities.

Smart Contract

GlobalDevDao's smart contracts include platform function contracts and Chainlink oracle contracts, which are adapted with FVM as a carrier. The contract also carries part of the interactive channels of data storage, platform security control, and function calculation control instructions.

Proof of off-chain Communication

Use decentralized, trusted nodes, high-quality data and encryption proof to connect highly accurate and available data/API to FVM smart contracts. This part of GlobalDevDao adopts the combination of Tlsnotary Requester and chainlink to realize the ability of the off-chain security communication department to prove, and the resulting proof files are stored in IPFS decentralized storage and through FVM. The smart contract responds to the storage CID, and the platform can query and verify the specified authenticity through events or contracts.。

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