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Sudoku BlindApp

Sudoku on Nillion leverages blind computation with privacy-preserving Nada programs to securely solve puzzles

Sudoku BlindApp

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Nillion - Best Blind App on Nillion

Project Description

Sudoku on Nillion leverages blind computation with privacy-preserving Nada programs to securely solve puzzles

How to Play:

  1. The owner creates a random 4x4 Sudoku game.
  2. The owner removes 10 numbers from the Sudoku grid, stores the solution, and the game is saved on Nillion.
  3. The player solves the Sudoku puzzle.
  4. The player clicks the "Compute" button to run a computation on Nillion, which compares the player's solution with the correct answer to check if the Sudoku is solved correctly.

How it's Made

This project utilizes the Next.js, Chakra UI (create a beautiful user interface). The contract was built using Hardhat. I deployed my contracts on the Sepolia Testnet.

The following technologies was used:

  • Nillion: Create a Nada program compares the player's solution with the correct answer to check if the Sudoku is solved correctly and not showing the solution to the player. It uses @nillion/client-react-hooks npm package to work with Nillion from the web app frontend.
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