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Super Loud

Super Loud: A cross-platform Tapp built on ENS NFTs. Chat, connect, and earn tokens across social media, wallets, and marketplaces. Features friend requests, E2E encrypted messaging, and token rewards. Showcasing the power of Tapps: build once, run anywhere!

Super Loud

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Super Loud is an innovative cross-platform mini-application (Tapp) built on top of ENS name NFTs. It leverages the Tapp framework, combining ERC-7738, ERC-5169, and TokenScript to create a versatile and portable application that can be accessed across multiple platforms without requiring separate installations. Key Features:

An ENS Tapp: The mini app is linked with ENS NFTs via ERC-7738. Users can easily find the mini app from the 7738 script registration contract. Friend Requests: Users can send and receive friend requests to other ENS users. These requests can optionally include ETH attachments, adding a financial dimension to social connections. E2E Encrypted Messaging: Once users accept friend requests, they can engage in end-to-end encrypted messaging, ensuring privacy and security in their communications. Token Rewards: The app introduces Super Loud Tokens (SLT), which users earn through successful connections and transactions. Each successful friend request grants both parties 100 SLT, incentivizing network growth. Base Blockchain Integration: Super Loud utilizes the Base blockchain for efficient, low-cost transactions, enhancing the user experience. Cross-Platform Accessibility: As a Tapp, Super Loud can be accessed from various platforms, including social media (Twitter, Farcaster), messaging apps (Telegram), smart token viewers, wallet interfaces, and NFT marketplaces.

Technical Implementation:

The project implements ERC-7738 for permissionless script registry, allowing for decentralized script management and execution. ERC-5169 is used to make the ENS name NFTs scriptable, enabling the integration of Super Loud functionality. TokenScript defines the behavior and interface of Super Loud, registered with the ERC-7738 contract for easy access by wallets and dApps.

Token Utility: SLT tokens have multiple uses within the ecosystem:

Voting rights in protocol decisions Building reputation within the Super Loud community Potential future use for paying for additional services

How It Works:

ENS users initiate friend requests, optionally attaching ETH. Recipients can accept or refuse these requests. Accepted requests enable E2E encrypted messaging between parties. Both parties receive 100 SLT for each successful connection. If ETH is included in the request, the protocol takes a 1% fee. Additional SLT are awarded based on the ETH amount: (ETH amount * 3000) * 1000 SLT.

Super Loud represents a significant step forward in the integration of ENS names with social and financial applications. By leveraging the Tapp framework, it demonstrates how web3 technologies can create portable, user-centric applications that seamlessly integrate across various platforms. This project not only enhances the utility of ENS names but also showcases the potential for creating rich, interactive experiences in the decentralized web.

How it's Made

  • First took a sample messaging demo (using TokenScript) from Smart Token Labs and adapted it to use ENS offchain resolver instead of tokenIds.
  • Created a commitment contract which can hold committed fees ready for collection.
  • Created an ERC20 Super Loud Token for rewards.
  • Updated the commitment contract to reward users for connecting.
  • Created a HardHat project to ensure basic functionality and also added a deployment script.
  • Updated the TokenScript to create and claim the commitments.
  • Sent a PR to the open source Smart Token Labs messaging repo to integrate the changes required to handle the commitments. The CI updated the server so it was optionally aware of the commitment scheme and would enforce connection only via acceptance of the commit.
  • Created a liquidity pool for Super Loud tokens on 1Inch and Uniswap.
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