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Super Print Screen

Create Crypto Proof instead of Screenshot. e.g. capture what your AI says

Super Print Screen

Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

There are many controversies that certain web service provide biased results.

We often see controversies of reported biased response from LLM, search or other web services.

Typically, people will post a screen cap and circulate on social media. However, given the advance of deepfake technologies, integrity of such screenshot is often in doubt.

Given the personalized and private nature, it is hard to verify such response.

We combine TLSNotary and Ethereum Attestation Service to create on-chain verifiable proof on LLM response..

How it's Made

Solution Consider we query chat GPT for "Who is the current president of USA"

With chat GPT API, we create a Thread with the query

We are able to retrieve the response via messages

  • TLSNotary can be applied via API to generate zk proof of

  • It is possible to use a general purposed Notary to create a portable proof that can be verified the Notary will attest with EAS the proof on Base sepolia using EAS, so other contracts can depends on it

  • data can be selectively redacted for verification

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