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SuperBoard empowers developers with AI-driven analytics for superchains like Optimism. Using our Blockscout Python SDK, it provides EAS insights, network graphs, and comprehensive dashboards, simplifying Web3 development and optimizing projects—all in one platform!


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

SuperBoard is a cutting-edge analytics platform designed to showcase the power of our custom-built Blockscout Python SDK. This SDK was specifically developed by us for this project, enabling developers to create comprehensive health dashboards and protocol-specific analytics for superchains like Optimism, Blast, and Base, as well as primary chains like Polygon. The SDK is continuously evolving to support an ever-expanding range of blockchains, making it an invaluable tool for the superchain ecosystem.

Explore our Blockscout Python SDK on GitHub:

How it's Made

Superchain (Optimism)

SuperBoard is engineered to support superchains, with a focus on Optimism, offering an extensive range of metrics that are crucial for understanding and optimizing superchain performance. The platform supports:


Detailed analytics on transaction volumes and patterns across Optimism, enabling developers to gauge network health and user engagement.


New Addresses: Insight into the growth of new users and adoption rates. Active Addresses: Monitoring user activity to identify engagement trends. Transfer Volume: Analysis of asset transfers within and across Optimism, helping developers identify key usage patterns.


Market Cap: Assessment of the economic value of projects on Optimism. L2 Revenue: Measurement of Layer 2 solution revenues to understand financial performance. Volume: Liquidity and trading volume analytics for Optimism-based projects. Profit: Financial viability and profitability metrics for projects built on Optimism. Leaderboards: Tracking the top-performing projects on Optimism, providing visibility into the ecosystem's leaders.

NFT Mints: Comprehensive analytics on NFT minting activities within the Optimism ecosystem.

Contracts: Insights into smart contract deployments and interactions on Optimism, offering a window into developer activity.


The Blockscout Python SDK is the backbone of SuperBoard. It was meticulously developed to simplify the development process for Python developers, making it easier to build, analyze, and deploy advanced analytics dashboards. The SDK is a game-changer for the Web3 community, especially for those working within the superchain ecosystem. Key benefits include:

Streamlined Development: The SDK abstracts away much of the complexity involved in interacting with superchain data, allowing developers to focus on building impactful features. Comprehensive Tooling: It provides a suite of tools that are essential for superchain analytics, from data fetching to complex visualization, making it a must-have for developers working on blockchain projects.

Accessibility: By bringing Python developers into the Web3 space, the SDK makes blockchain data more accessible and understandable, empowering even those with limited blockchain experience to contribute to the ecosystem.

Explore our Blockscout Python SDK on GitHub:


EAS Protocol Analytics

The Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) is a rapidly growing protocol, and SuperBoard provides a powerful analytics platform that brings clarity to this complex system. We leverage the Blockscout SDK to offer deep insights into EAS, particularly for:

EAS Across Chains: SuperBoard visualizes EAS activity across different chains, making it easier to identify trends and patterns.

Optimism-Specific Analytics: Detailed metrics on EAS within the Optimism ecosystem, including attestations, schema names, and off-chain revocations. [Optimism] Analytics: In-depth analysis of the Gitcoin Passport on Optimism, offering developers valuable insights into user behavior and engagement. Network Graph Visualization: Using advanced network graphs, SuperBoard helps developers explore connections within the EAS protocol, identifying common patterns and optimizing the protocol's performance.

AI-Driven Insights

SuperBoard's AI-driven insights are a core feature that sets it apart from other analytics platforms. Our AI not only validates and processes data in real-time but also summarizes key findings, providing developers with actionable insights that can significantly enhance decision-making and project outcomes.

Why SuperBoard?

SuperBoard is more than just an analytics platform; it's a tool designed to address the critical needs of the superchain ecosystem:

For Superchains (Optimism): SuperBoard provides a comprehensive view of network health, empowering developers with the data they need to optimize their projects.

For Blockscout: The Blockscout Python SDK simplifies the development process, bringing more Python developers into the Web3 space and making blockchain technology more accessible.

For EAS: SuperBoard offers deep, cross-chain analytics and powerful network visualization tools, making it easier for developers to understand and optimize the EAS protocol.

SuperBoard is the tool of choice for developers who want to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving superchain landscape. Whether you're focused on Optimism, exploring the EAS protocol, or leveraging the Blockscout SDK for your project, SuperBoard provides the insights and tools you need to succeed.

Join us in revolutionizing superchain analytics and making blockchain technology more accessible and impactful.

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