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SupplyGuard is a decentralized supply chain management platform enhancing transparency, accountability, and efficiency. Built on Ethereum smart contracts, it leverages AI-generated arts,, and secure solution for modern supply chains.


Created At

HackFS 2024

Project Description

SupplyGuard: A Decentralized Supply Chain Management Solution

Abstract: SupplyGuard is a secure, scalable, decentralized supply chain management tool designed to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency. By leveraging blockchain technology, smart contracts, and AI-generated arts, it provides blockchain-level guarantees at scale, fostering a transparent, equitable, and efficient economic landscape. This solution not only solves existing supply chain issues but also sets a new standard in supply chain management.

  1. Introduction: Decentralized applications (dApps) empower users by providing them full control over their data, fostering direct benefits from its usage while ensuring stringent privacy measures. This paradigm shift holds particular appeal for companies and consumers disillusioned by centralized Web2 data monopolies that exploit user information.

Traditional supply chain models often lack transparency and integrity due to centralized oversight. Enter SupplyGuard—a decentralized supply chain management application harnessing Web3 technology to establish unprecedented levels of trust and transparency. It eliminates the need for central oversight, allowing companies and customers to interact in a verifiably transparent environment without logistical burdens.

SupplyGuard addresses the following challenges:

  • Complex integration with existing technologies.
  • Steep learning curve associated with blockchain.
  • Network scalability and performance concerns.
  1. SupplyGuard Protocol Architecture: SupplyGuard is initially developed as a web solution, with plans to extend its functionalities to mobile and desktop platforms in the near future. It integrates six fundamental components:

a. Web3 Image Storage Solution:

  • Utilizes the platform for secure and decentralized storage of NFT images and metadata.
  • Leverages IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) technology for peer-to-peer storage and sharing of data, enhancing reliability and speed of access while ensuring data permanence.

b. Database - PolybaseDB:

  • Primary database for storing detailed records of products and user data.
  • Chosen for its ability to handle large data volumes efficiently while ensuring security and accessibility across the network.

c. Frontend - Next.js, React, TailwindCSS, Redux:

  • Next.js: SEO-focused framework to improve visibility and page loading times.
  • React: Robust ecosystem for building interactive user interfaces.
  • TailwindCSS: Utility-first CSS framework to accelerate custom designs.
  • Redux: Efficient state management across the application.
  • React-QR-Code: Generates QR codes for order tracking and verification.

d. Backend - Ethereum Smart Contracts:

  • Approval Contracts: Manage supply chain approvals and store data on-chain for transparency and immutability.
  • NFT Contracts: Manage AI-generated arts and collectibles, supporting digital asset creation and trading.

e. Chainlink Price Feed:

  • Integrates Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network for real-time ETH pricing.
  • Ensures accurate and updated conversion rates between fiat currencies and ETH.
  1. How SupplyGuard Works:

a. User Onboarding and Interaction:

  • Customers: Onboard by connecting digital wallets, complete profiles for shipping details, and explore product offerings. QR codes enable real-time order tracking.
  • Suppliers: Register by providing company information and manage product listings to maintain an updated catalog.

b. Role-Based Access and Workflow: SupplyGuard operates around six pivotal roles within the supply chain:

  1. Supplier Manager: Oversees supplier relations and manages contractual agreements.
  2. Product Overseer: Ensures all product listings meet quality standards.
  3. Quality Inspector: Verifies product quality and safety standards.
  4. Inventory Controller: Manages inventory levels based on demand metrics.
  5. Logistics Coordinator: Optimizes shipping and logistics operations.
  6. Fulfillment Operator: Handles packaging and dispatching orders.

Each role is authenticated using Ethereum addresses, ensuring the integrity and traceability of the entire process.

c. Approval Workflow:

  • Orders placed by customers trigger notifications to the Supplier Manager.
  • The sequential approval workflow progresses from role to role until final delivery.
  • Email notifications prompt each role to take action, ensuring the process is not overlooked.
  1. Security Mechanisms:
  • Blockchain Security: Immutable transaction records prevent tampering.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Specific roles ensure data privacy and transparency.
  • Encryption: Data encryption safeguards sensitive information.
  1. Scalability and Performance: SupplyGuard leverages recursive Ethereum blockchain networks to scale efficiently through rapid verification of cryptographic proofs. It ensures all transactions and state changes are processed correctly without redundant validations.

  2. Conclusion: SupplyGuard is a comprehensive solution redefining traditional supply chain management by utilizing decentralized technology. It not only provides unprecedented transparency but also enriches the user experience with AI-generated arts and collectibles. Its planned expansion to mobile and desktop platforms will make it accessible to a broader audience, empowering a future where supply chain management is more secure, transparent, and equitable.

  3. Future Expansions:

  • Mobile and Desktop Applications: Enhance accessibility and usability.
  • Cross-Chain Interoperability: Integrate with other blockchain networks.
  1. Summary of Key Components:
  • Frontend: Next.js, React, TailwindCSS, Redux.
  • Backend: Ethereum Smart Contracts (Approval and NFT).
  • Database: PolybaseDB
  • Storage Solution: and IPFS.
  • Price Feeds: Chainlink.

SupplyGuard is poised to be a game-changer in supply chain management, driving transparency and efficiency through blockchain innovation.

How it's Made

How SupplyGuard is Made:

SupplyGuard is a decentralized supply chain management platform built using a robust tech stack. Here’s a detailed look at the technologies used and how they fit together:

  1. Architecture Overview:
  • Frontend: Next.js, React, TailwindCSS, Redux, React-QR-Code.
  • Backend: Ethereum Smart Contracts, Hardhat, Solidity.
  • Database: PolybaseDB.
  • Storage Solution: (IPFS).
  • Price Feeds: Chainlink.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: GitHub Actions.
  • Smart Contract Batch Transactions: Moonbeam's Batch.sol.
  1. Frontend:
  • Next.js:

    • Used as the primary framework for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).
    • Enhanced SEO and performance with faster page load times.
  • React:

    • Built reusable, interactive components for improved user experience.
    • Leveraged React hooks for state and effect management.
  • TailwindCSS:

    • Accelerated the development of custom designs using utility-first CSS classes.
    • Minimized CSS footprint through purging unused classes.
  • Redux:

    • Managed the global state for seamless component data sharing.
    • Simplified state synchronization across the application.
  • React-QR-Code:

    • Integrated to generate QR codes for order tracking and verification.
    • Provided simple real-time access to transaction information.
  1. Backend:
  • Ethereum Smart Contracts (Solidity):

    • Developed two primary types of contracts:
      1. Approval Contracts:
        • Managed approvals and stored supply chain data immutably on-chain.
        • Used OpenZeppelin's AccessControl for role-based access.
      2. NFT Contracts:
        • Managed AI-generated arts and collectibles.
        • Tokenized artworks as ERC-721 NFTs for trading.
  • Hardhat:

    • Used for developing, compiling, deploying, and testing smart contracts.
    • Benefits:
      • Plugins: Integrated Hardhat plugins for contract verification and Gas reports.
      • TypeChain: Provided typed contract interactions for type-safe deployments.
      • Ethers.js Integration: Simplified smart contract interactions.
  1. Database - PolybaseDB:
  • Features:
    • Efficiently managed product and user data.
    • Ensured data privacy and accessibility across the network.
  1. Storage Solution -
  • IPFS:
    • Decentralized storage of NFT images and metadata.
    • Guaranteed data permanence and accessibility through peer-to-peer sharing.
  1. Price Feeds - Chainlink:
  • Chainlink Price Feed:
    • Provided real-time ETH/USD conversion rates via a decentralized oracle network.
    • Enabled transparent and accurate product pricing.
  1. Continuous Integration/Deployment - GitHub Actions:
  • Features:
    • Automated testing, linting, and deployment workflows.
    • Deployed smart contracts via Hardhat and front-end to Vercel.
  1. Challenges and Hacky Solutions:
  • Gas Optimization for Batch Transactions:

    • Implemented batch processing with gas optimizations using batchAll.
    • Avoided redundant validations by ensuring role-based authentication.
  • PolybaseDB Integration:

    • Designed a dual-storage system to complement PolybaseDB with blockchain immutability.
    • Created a data synchronization pipeline between on-chain and off-chain storage.
  • Redundancy Solution:

    • Implemented a local fallback mechanism to ensure data availability if IPFS retrieval fails.

SupplyGuard is built with a comprehensive tech stack that combines blockchain, AI, and Web3 technologies to redefine supply chain management. The seamless integration of decentralized storage, smart contracts, and real-time pricing ensures transparency, scalability, and efficiency in every transaction. This tool aims to be a benchmark for decentralized supply chain management in the Web3 era.

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