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Super We All Gonna Give It: Swaggy ensures your event makes a positive impact by saving swag and food for local charities. Don't waste, be the best


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Swaggi started at ETHDenver, inspired by seeing a friend struggle to pack too much hackathon swag. We realized the waste wasn't unique—too often, event goodies are discarded or forgotten.

That's where Swaggi steps in. It's a simple, friendly platform that helps event organizers and companies send their extra swag to charities. With SWAGGI (Super We All Gonna Give It), we're turning leftovers into lifelines. Companies get a "Proof Of Give" NFT for their donations, creating a circle of giving and impact. They are then able to share a public page with all the infos about donations.

In short, SWAGGI transforms surplus into support, making sure no swag goes to waste and helping those in need.

Discord / Telegram:

  • Martin L:
    • Discord: akuma9640
    • Telegram: @akugone
  • Tom D:
    • Discord: dyonisos
    • Telegram: @dyonisos10

How it's Made

Swaggi, short for "Super We All Gonna Give It," tackles the issue of unused hackathon swag. For the tech enthusiasts, Swaggi is powered by cool tech! We use the Chiliz blockchain for engaging with fan tokens, ensuring our donors feel appreciated. Plus, with WorldCoin's WorldID, we guarantee secure and authenticated interactions, giving everyone peace of mind. And our platform looks great too, thanks to designs from NounsDAO that make our interface user-friendly and fun.

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