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Ask Chainlink oracle who is the winner of a football league. The oracle calls an external adapter that fetches the winner at the end of the football league season


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

We created a chainlink node and an external adapter the fetch the winner of any football league only at the end of the season. . Then we created a smart contract that fetches this information. The external adapter is deployed in google cloud as a serverless function and we had to setup our own node as we couldn't find a node operator for Optimism

How it's Made

We used Remix and solidity for the contract development, debugging and deployment. We also used javascript and google cloud to build and serve our external adapter and chainlink network to validate the information fetched from the external adapter. This adapter checks if the tournament reached it last round and has a winner, then it send the id of the winning teams to our contract. Every ERC1155 token that was minted with the same ID will receive all the money sent to print these tokens.

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