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A simple and efficient way for neural data exchange, storage and study


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Filecoin - Build Data Economies & Tools Together with Filecoin Runners Up

Worldcoin - Most Creative Use Case

Project Description

Synapsic is a cross-chain neural data marketplace and hub.

Starting with brain activity, Synapsic is aiming to make a contribution to researchers, developers, domain enthusiasts and regular people into having access to a wide range of health data converted, encrypted and added to the blockchain, as a "Synapsic Brainscan" NFT.


  • difficulty obtaining data for specific research needs or conditions
  • general scarcity of publicly available neural data
  • lack of real-time data sharing capabilities in neuroresearch

Synapsic addresses these challenges by:

  • creating the first-ever environment for decentralized neurodata exchange
  • offering customizable datasets for AI training
  • decentralizing neurodata storage for wider, secure access
  • facilitating collaboration across researchers, clinicians, and developers
  • increasing overall availability of neural data for research and healthcare

How it's Made

We use our open-source EEG Scanner to obtain brainwave data from volunteers in a .csv form, which we later convert and encrypt and put it on the blockchain, under a "Synapsic Brainscan" NFT.

The testers then have full control over their data, which they can later use on our data marketplace.

Through the data marketplace, researchers, AI developers or anyone interested in large sets of neural data can buy, sell and share useful batches verified by our AI models through Galadriel (WIP).

We also use WorldID verification in our Next.js frontend application in order to ensure only real people are submitting their data to the marketplace, increasing security & confidence.

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