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AI 🤝 Blockchain, AI Generative NFT minter. Add Prompt, hit mint, done!!


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Synthart is an AI image generator and NFT minter built on the Scroll. The platform uses OpenAI's GPT-3 language model to generate abstract art pieces based on user input. The images are then minted as NFTs on the Scroll and can be traded on various marketplaces.

The inspiration behind Synthart was to explore the potential of AI in creating unique and personalized art pieces. With the rise of NFTs and the increasing demand for digital collectables, we wanted to create a platform that could generate high-quality and one-of-a-kind images for collectors and enthusiasts.

We are proud to have built a platform that combines OpenAI's cutting-edge language model with the security and transparency of the Scroll. We were able to successfully integrate with various NFT marketplaces, making it easy for users to buy, sell, and showcase their NFTs. We also created a unique user interface that allows users to customize their art generation process and create truly one-of-a-kind NFTs.

How it's Made

We built Synthart using the OpenAI API and the smart contracts deployed on Scroll. The front end was built using NextJS and connected to the smart contract through WAGMI library along with Connectkit. The OpenAI API was used to generate the art pieces based on user input, and the resulting images and metadata were stored on IPFS to ensure their accessibility and security.

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