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Take Off

Take Off is a social dApp for Celo MiniPay, that helps to identify the most promising talent in a fair and efficient way. You can think of it as a decentralized talent awards using quadratic voting.

Take Off

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description


Awards like “30 Under 30” are known for lack of transparency. The traditional way of giving awards, grants and scholarships to talent has largely been at the discretion of a few judges, often resulting in biased results and at the expense of talent with non-traditional backgrounds.


A decentralized version of talent awards, using quadratic voting, can empower the entire community to participate in the judging process, ensuring a wider diversity of perspectives in the decision-making process. Quadratic voting is a more fair and efficient way to identify promising talent and give awards or grants to talent. A more transparent and equitable “30 Under 30” award.

Idea: TAKE OFF ✈️ Your ticket to a fair shot

Take Off is a social dApp for Celo MiniPay, tapping into our dream of “flying” to a land with more opportunity. It helps to identify the most promising talent in a friendly, fair and efficient way.

How it works

  1. On the Take Off app you will be able to apply or vote on different campaigns. Example: “Top Female Talent in Nigeria”
  2. Each user can claim 10 votes per week if they: Verify with WorldID and/or Stake cUSD
  3. Users can distribute votes across different campaigns and in different candidates inside each campaign
  4. Users can apply to different campaigns by writing application letter (and verifing with WorldID to submit)
  5. Some campaigns have a prize pool to distribute between winners (optional).
  6. Once the voting period ends, the results are generated using a Quadratic Voting algorithm
  7. The prize pool is automatically distributed, in proportion to the quadratic votes.
  8. All campaigns also automatically assign an NFT to winners (not implemented)

How it's Made

This project uses Celo MiniPay for Account Abstraction. MiniPay makes sending, and receiving stablecoins easy with Google onboarding and using phone numbers as name service.

We rely on WorldID for proof of personhood, and add additional sybil resistance by asking users to stake cUSD to apply and vote.

We deployed 3 smart contracts:

  1. Quadratic Voting (including automatic funds distribution to winners)
  2. Staking cUSD
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