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Tami Assistant

This project aims to develop an AI-based system for predicting the price of cryptocurrencies. Using historical data and machine learning algorithms, the system will analyze market trends and provide accurate price predictions to assist investors in making informed decisions.

Tami Assistant

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

This project is focused on developing an AI-based system that can predict the prices of cryptocurrencies with a high degree of accuracy. The system will be designed to analyze large amounts of historical data, including price movements, trading volumes, and market trends, to identify patterns and make predictions about future price movements. To achieve this, the system will use a combination of machine learning algorithms, including regression analysis. These algorithms will be trained on a variety of data sources, including historical price data. The system will also incorporate real-time data feeds to ensure that the predictions are always up-to-date and relevant. This will include data on market activity, trading volume, and news events that may impact the price of cryptocurrencies. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to provide investors with a powerful tool for making informed decisions about buying and selling cryptocurrencies. By leveraging the latest advances in AI and machine learning, we hope to create a system that can deliver accurate, timely, and actionable insights into the complex world of cryptocurrency trading.

How it's Made

Our project is centered on leveraging the power of Python to build an AI-based system for predicting cryptocurrency prices. To achieve this, we'll be utilizing historical data obtained from Yahoo Finance, which will provide us with critical trading information such as trading volumes and market momentum. We'll then combine this data with the LightGBM machine learning model, which is renowned for its ability to handle large datasets and provide accurate predictions. By training the model on this historical data, we'll be able to identify patterns and trends that are indicative of future price movements.

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