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It is a decentralized game where users will be competing to each other and winning some rewards as Nfts and in-game tokens. Teracy is different from other P2E games as it is based on liquidity pool made game modes. Simply is a Gamefi + Defi


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

As decentralized gaming is growing fast these days, the more and more decentralized games are being built but they are using the same P2E method in their game. However Teracy uses different approach, we are making a game where users can compete to each other in real time and also they can play the game as old P2E way.

In Teracy players can stake some money in liquidity pool to enter in the game, every player who will stake money will be part of the tournament, when we have the fixed numbers of gamers in the pool then the players can play the game and after the match winners will be rewarded the money from the liquidity pool as their performance through smart contract.

Also we have a conventional P2E mode where users can play and earn some in-game rewards after winning certain levels. This mode is accessed only to the players who has the specific teracy nft.

Contracts used - 0x20B65AAA58A45FB591f766E0ce6C0B33C0d48A4e (Login Nft collection) 0x7709Fbe6b9E81eD8A1AC87033bfa5Bbd39187871 ( Pack contract for random Nfts)

How it's Made

This project is built in unity using thirdweb's unity SDK and it is deployed on Scroll blockchain which means players can get and buy Nfts in scroll blockchain. All the smart contracts are deployed on scroll blockchain and also for notifications we have used the push protocol. And we have upload this game on ipfs.

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