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A decentralized audio streaming platform for indie music artists. A platform where artists can turn their tracks into fractional NFT and the fans can have a piece of the track for their own.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The project aims to power the indie artists and maximise the revenue stream for them. Artists mint their album or a single track on our platform and they get fractionalised hence each buyer has access to buy the album NFT for a very lower price and a group of people can collectively purchase the whole NFT album (due to fractionalisation!).

How it's Made

The project uses GraphQl for querying data between the stored track file on IPFS and the deployed smart contract which uses the thirdweb SDK for the handshake between our front-end and the underlying smart contract (which is deployed on polygon mumbai testnet for now and we plan to make it chain agnostic as we move forward).

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