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A decentralized marketplace for digital services using blockchain and AI verification. Clients post tasks with bounties in smart contracts. Workers submit work; AI approves quality. If approved, funds release. No intermediaries—secure and efficient.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Our hackathon project introduces a peer-to-peer, trustless platform for trading digital services by leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized storage, and AI verification. Drawing inspiration from platforms like Fiverr but operating in a decentralized manner, the system enables clients to post service requests in text format and attach a bounty (e.g., 0.1 xDAI). This bounty is securely locked within a smart contract on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and trust between parties.

When a worker decides to accept a task, they complete the requested service—such as writing a cover letter for a job application—and submit it through our portal. The submitted work is then uploaded to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized storage network that ensures the data is securely stored and distributed across multiple nodes. This approach enhances security and prevents reliance on centralized servers.

An AI agent is triggered to read the text directly from IPFS. This agent evaluates the quality and relevance of the work by comparing it against the client’s specifications and predefined quality standards. If the AI verification confirms that the work meets all required criteria, it communicates this approval back to the smart contract. The smart contract then automatically unlocks the bounty and transfers the funds to the worker’s account. This automated process ensures that workers are fairly compensated without delays, and clients receive the quality of work they expect.

By integrating blockchain escrow with AI verification and decentralized storage, our platform creates a secure and efficient ecosystem for digital service transactions. It reduces risks associated with fraud and disputes, lowers transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries, and accelerates the fulfillment process. This innovation aims to revolutionize the way digital services are exchanged, fostering a more decentralized and equitable online economy where trust is built into the system itself.

How it's Made

Our platform integrates several cutting-edge technologies to achieve this functionality:

•	Blockchain and Smart Contracts: Utilizing Ethereum smart contracts to manage bounties and automate transactions securely.
•	IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): For decentralized and secure storage of submitted work.
•	AI Verification: An AI agent that reads and analyzes the submitted work from IPFS to ensure it meets quality standards.
•	Frontend Frameworks: Built with Next.js (version 14.2.13) for server-side rendering and optimized web performance.
•	React (version 18): For building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
•	Authentication: Using NextAuth.js for secure user authentication and session management.
•	UI Components: Leveraging Radix UI components like Dropdown Menu, Scroll Area, Select, Tabs, and Toast for a seamless user experience.
•	Styling: Implementing Tailwind CSS and Tailwind CSS Animate for efficient styling and animations.
•	State Management and Utilities: Utilizing class-variance-authority, clsx, and tailwind-merge for managing class names and styles.
•	Blockchain SDKs: Dependencies like @dynamic-labs/ethereum, @ethsign/sp-sdk, and viem are used for seamless blockchain interactions and Ethereum integration.
•	Icons and Graphics: Incorporating lucide-react and @radix-ui/react-icons for consistent iconography.
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