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Tokenomics Simulator

We are creating a tokenomics simulator where you can input all the token parameters and see how token price behaves

Tokenomics Simulator

Created At

HackFS 2024

Project Description

We have created an onchain AI based tokenomics simulator powered by Galadriel.

Designing a good tokenomics is the most crucial step for any blockchain protocol because the tokenomics either make or break the protocol. Currently we don't have sufficient toolsets and frameworks to create and test tokenomics. In order to solve this problem we have created the tokenomics simulator tool where anybody can enter the token details (circulating supply, allocations etc.) and run the simulations on how the token will behave, community will react and also price actions.

How it's Made

The core of tokenomics simulator is powered by Galadriel network which is an onchain AI platform where we can call LLM's and get predictions.

We have created 4 AI Agents on Galadriel -

  1. Trader agent who trades on the launch of an ICO
  2. Community agent who reacts on token price actions, new developments etc.
  3. Investor agent which determines how will the investor behave
  4. Exchange agent which determines whether the token will be listed or not.

These 4 agents communicate with one another to get the relevant information and simulate actions accordingly.

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