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A creator community that allows users to tip creators in crypto with minimal friction.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

TokenTip is a decentralized tipping platform for creators that allows you to tip other creators with their tokens. Our vision for this is to allow anyone - whether they are an experienced crypto user, degen or just a person with no experience at all - to arrive at TokenTip, find a creator and tip them in crypto.

Our design ethos is to utilitise existing proven blockchain technology and also selected latest and emerging blockchain technology to ensure a fluid and efficient experience for all users.

How it's Made

During the development of TokenTip we thought long and hard on what tools and technologies to use that would facilitate our vision of a "web2" like experience for users.

  • Create React App: We chose this because it was easy for us to bootstrap a React app quickly
  • Passkeys: We wanted to experiment with passkeys as an authentication mechanism for both each of use for users but also to create wallets too, given that this is quickly becoming a mainstream approach to removing the use of passwords
  • World ID: We've been interested in this product personally for some time. We were keen to add proof of personhood to the login sequence
  • TransactionKit: This React library offers a collection of React components that allow you to create Account Abstraction wallets and make transactions with minimal effort. It also exposes a bunch of hooks and utilities to help developers build quickly. It uses the Etherspot SDK behind the scenes as a wallet provider
  • Paymaster: We attempted to use a paymaster here, but unfortunately didn't get around to it. We have left the code in where this would have happened. This was also provided by Etherspot
  • Smart Contracts: We authored two sets of smart contracts in order to help facilitate an on-chain lookup of data. One version was written in Stylus which is an ENS registry and the other is a Foundry project which is a username to address mapping which can be queried
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