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A parody of Monopoly that takes place in a fictional decentralized utopia!


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Uniswap Foundation - Best Use of Hook Features 2nd place

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Hyperlane - Best Use of Hyperlane 

Filecoin - Most meaningful use of Interplanetary Consensus for scalability 1st place

ApeCoin - Best use of Apecoin in a gaming use case

Project Description

This project has a game mechanism that is similar to monopoly. Users start in the bottom left corner and they roll to move around the board. They can purchase properties that they land on; however, in this game, properties are represented by ERC20 tokens. By representing them as tokens, their usage is expanded.

How it's Made

The project's frontend was built in NextJS. The project makes use of Filecoin's IPC subnet to take advantage of its scalability. The subnet makes use of a reverse proxy so that it can be used as an RPC by anyone. When it comes to buying and selling properties, Uniswap V4 was integrated to manage and account for trades. The custom curve aspect of Uniswap V4 was used in the project. This particular process require using the No Operation flag and selector to skip the usual and swap and opt for a custom one. The smart contracts themselves were deployed onto the subnet because the gas costs would have prohibted us from using any other chain. However, for interacting with the contracts Base Sepolia was used. Base Sepolia was chosen for its speed and popularity. Then, Hyperlane was integrated for its permisionless deploy and messaging feature which were vital to the protocols communication abilities. Through Hyperlane, a user could input commands on Base Sepolia and have them appear upon the Subnet. Since Monopoly requires dice, random numbers were needed. Hence, Chainlink was quite significant to the project. However, Chainlink verifiably random functions only exist on Arbiturm Sepolia. So Hyperlane had to be used again to be deployed on Arbitrum Sepolia. Together, Hyperlane and Chainlink come together to deliver quality random numbers to our application on the Subnet.

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