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Told You So

Toldyouso is an app where you can make predictions provably. You can keep them secret until the time of revealing.

Told You So

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Have you ever made a prediction that you knew was going to come true, but nobody believed you? With our new social media platform, you can store your predictions on the blockchain and reveal them to the world when the time is right. Don't just make predictions, prove that you called it first with our secure and innovative platform. With Toldyouso, you can make predictions on anything, from sports matches to politics, and keep them secret until it's time to reveal. Our blockchain-based system ensures that your prediction is immutable and trustworthy.

How it's Made

  1. Polybase: I used Polybase as a database for the app. Polybase is a web3 based secure database. You can find a copy of the Polybase schema in schema.txt
  2. Uma: Uma is an oracle to prove human-verifiable statements. The functionality using uma is still not complete. You can, however call contract functions from your Told You So profile.
  3. Scroll: The TYS contract is deployed on the Scroll Alpha TestNet. Scroll guarantees lower costs, and higher throughput per second.
  4. Hardhat: I used Hardhat for testing the contracts. You can find the contracts as well as detailed tests in the contracts folder.
  5. React.js: I built the front-end using React.js. You can find most of the app functions in frontend/App.js. You may also find all the React components infrontend/components.
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