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From farm to cup, from factory to home - TraceItAcross unveils the authentic journey of products with the power of blockchain, ensuring you know the story behind what you buy.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

From farm to cup, from factory to home - TraceItAcross unveils the authentic journey of products with the power of blockchain, ensuring you know the story behind what you buy.

Project aims to revolutionize supply chain management by providing a transparent and verifiable platform leveraging blockchain technology. The project aims to ensure the authenticity and ethical handling of products from manufacturer to consumer while providing a seamless, user-friendly experience.

How it's Made


  1. Product Registration: Businesses can register their products on the blockchain by creating NFTs.
  2. Product Verification: Authorized entities can manually verify products using a dedicated interface within the application. Users upload verification documents against a specific Product ID, which are then saved on Upon successful document upload, the smart contract is updated to reflect the product's verification status on the blockchain, ensuring a trustworthy verification process.
  3. Product Lookup: Consumers can easily look up product information by scanning a QR code on packaging.
  4. QR Code Scanner: A built-in QR code scanner for easy product lookups.
  5. Blockchain-powered: Utilizing Ethereum blockchain to store product information securely and transparently.
  6. Responsive UI: A user-friendly interface for both businesses and consumers.

Tech Stack


  • React.js: Powers the frontend, enabling a dynamic and interactive user interface.


  • Solidity: Smart contract programming language used for creating the TraceItAcross contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Scroll Sepolia: The smart contract is deployed on the Scroll Sepolia testnet for lower transaction costs and efficient scalability.
  • FVM Filecoin Calibration:Deploying on Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) facilitates a more secure and decentralized storage solution for the NFT metadata in this project, ensuring enhanced data integrity and accessibility while promoting a transparent and trustworthy supply chain ecosystem.

Libraries and Tools:

  • jsQR: A pure JavaScript library for QR code decoding.
  • IPFS/Web3.Storage: InterPlanetary File System for decentralized storage of product metadata.
  • ethers.js: A library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

Smart Contract

The TraceItAcross smart contract is deployed on the Scroll Sepolia testnet & Filecoin Virtual Machine calibration testnet. It is responsible for the creation and retrieval of product NFTs. Businesses can create product NFTs by providing a metadata URI, and consumers can retrieve product information using the product ID.

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