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This project is about money transfers and includes three main functions: money storage, money transfer, and investment projects.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

The goal of the platform is to offer a decentralized space where creators can post projects requiring funding, and investors can contribute funds. The platform operates through the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging the transparency and immutability of decentralized technology. The project is based on smart contracts, which securely handle the creation of projects, investments, and financial transactions without intermediaries. Objectives

  1. Project Creation: Users can create projects by specifying a project name, a target funding amount, and a deadline by which they hope to achieve the target.
  2. Investment Functionality: Investors can invest in projects, and their contributions are tracked in the system, updating the project’s current funding status.
  3. Funds Withdrawal: Once a project meets its funding target, the project creator can withdraw the funds.
  4. Dividend Distribution: The platform allows for the distribution of dividends to investors once the project becomes profitable.
  5. Tracking of Projects: Users can view a list of all active projects, including project details such as name, funding target, current funding, deadline, and status. Key Features • Blockchain Integration: The platform uses smart contracts to handle transactions, ensuring trust and transparency in all financial operations. • Login via MetaMask: Users can securely log in and interact with the platform using MetaMask, a popular Ethereum wallet. • Responsive UI: The front-end is developed using Bootstrap, making the platform responsive across devices and screen sizes. • Real-time Data: Projects and investments are displayed dynamically, reflecting real-time data from the blockchain. Results and Deliverables • A fully functional smart contract system that handles project creation, investments, and fund withdrawals. • A front-end interface that interacts with the blockchain, allowing users to interact with smart contracts using MetaMask. • Project data is dynamically loaded and updated based on blockchain activity, providing up-to-date information about funding status. • The system is deployable on platforms like Render for scalable, cloud-based hosting of both the front-end and back-end components. The platform provides a decentralized, transparent, and secure way for users to fund and invest in projects, leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

How it's Made

The Transfer Platform leverages the Sepolia Test Network for blockchain testing, Solidity for smart contract development, and Flask with SQLite for back-end management. On the front end, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap ensure a responsive interface, while Web3.js facilitates interaction with the blockchain. These technologies and tools were chosen to create a secure, scalable, and user-friendly decentralized investment platform that meets the needs of modern blockchain users.

  1. Blockchain Platform: Sepolia Test Network Sepolia Test Network is used as the blockchain environment for deploying and testing smart contracts before moving to the main Ethereum network. It offers a safe and cost-effective space to run and test the investment platform's smart contracts, ensuring the code works as expected without using real cryptocurrency. Key Benefits: Safe for testing: Allows for deploying contracts and testing interactions without risking actual funds. Similar to Ethereum mainnet: Simulates Ethereum’s behavior, making the transition to the mainnet easier.
  2. Smart Contract Development: Solidity Solidity is used to write the smart contracts that form the core of the platform’s functionality. These contracts handle the creation of investment projects, tracking of investments, withdrawal of funds by project creators, and distribution of dividends to investors. Key Benefits: Secure: Enables the creation of decentralized applications with immutable smart contracts. Compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM): Ensures that contracts can run on the Ethereum mainnet as well as Sepolia. Extensive developer support: Solidity has a large community and is the most widely used language for Ethereum-based applications.
  3. Backend Development: Python with Flask Flask is a lightweight web framework used for handling the back-end logic of the investment platform. It manages routes, processes user requests, and interacts with the blockchain through libraries like Key Benefits: Simple and flexible: Flask provides the flexibility needed for rapid development of the back-end features without unnecessary complexity. Easy integration: Flask works seamlessly with to interact with Ethereum blockchain smart contracts. Lightweight and efficient: Ideal for small- to medium-sized web applications that need to scale over time.
  4. Database Management: SQLite SQLite is used for managing the platform’s data storage needs, particularly for tracking user information, project details, and investment history. While SQLite is a lightweight database, it is sufficient for the needs of this project during the development and testing phases. Key Benefits: Simple to set up and manage: Does not require a dedicated database server, which makes it easy to configure for smaller applications. Integrated with Flask: Works well with SQLAlchemy for easy database queries and management in Flask.
  5. Frontend Development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap HTML is used to structure the web pages, while CSS and Bootstrap are employed to design a responsive and user-friendly interface. This ensures that the platform can be easily accessed across devices, providing a clean and intuitive user experience. Key Benefits: Bootstrap ensures responsiveness across various screen sizes, making the platform accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. HTML/CSS provide the basic structure and design to showcase the platform's functionality to users, with forms for project creation and investment.
  6. Interaction with Blockchain: Web3.js Web3.js is used on the client side to enable interaction between the platform’s front-end and the Ethereum blockchain. This library facilitates connection to users’ wallets (e.g., MetaMask) and manages the execution of smart contracts on the blockchain. Key Benefits: Simplifies blockchain interactions: Allows the front-end to communicate with smart contracts easily. User-friendly: Enables integration with MetaMask for secure user authentication and transaction signing.
  7. Deployment: Render Render is the platform used to deploy the project, providing hosting for both the Flask-based backend and the static front-end files. Render supports SQLite databases and offers a seamless deployment process. Key Benefits: Easy deployment: Supports Flask applications, making deployment straightforward. Free tier: Allows for cost-effective hosting during the development and testing phases. Scalable: Provides options to scale as the platform grows.
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