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Smart Contract that allows users to post recommendations while traveling, those recommendations has options to fill and to rate! Others users can agree or disagree and give proposers points!


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

My project is a user-driven platform that harnesses the power of the Scroll L2 blockchain to offer genuine recommendations across various categories such as restaurants, tourist spots, and coworking spaces. Users can contribute by providing detailed insights, including amenities and location, for a particular place. The community can then vote on these recommendations, with positive votes adding points to the recommendation's overall score, while negative votes subtract from it. This dynamic scoring system ensures that the most valuable recommendations are highlighted and easily identifiable. With features like card and crypto payment indicators, Wi-Fi availability, and more, the platform is designed to create a trustworthy and comprehensive guide for locals and tourists alike, rewarding users for their valuable contributions.

How it's Made

Our project leverages Scroll, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, to create a user-centric recommendation platform. Utilizing the efficiency and lower transaction costs of Scroll, users can submit and vote on recommendations for restaurants, tourist attractions, and coworking spaces. Each recommendation can be upvoted or downvoted by the community, with upvotes increasing and downvotes decreasing the recommendation’s overall score. This incentivizes quality content while maintaining a high level of integrity and community trust.

The development of the smart contract was facilitated by Hardhat, a comprehensive Ethereum development environment. We wrote, tested, and deployed our contract using Hardhat’s suite of tools, which streamlined the process of bringing our contract to the Scroll L2 network. With Hardhat, we were able to write automated tests ensuring our contract's functions behave as expected. After thorough testing, we used Hardhat's deployment scripts to deploy our contract to the blockchain. Furthermore, we utilized Hardhat's verification feature, which allowed us to verify our contract's source code on block explorers, making it transparent and accessible for users to review and interact with.

I use Quicknode for the Rpc provider

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