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Trevi Fountain - Manifest your dreams

Dive into Trevi Fountain, a blockchain revolution where wishes transform into unique NFTs. Toss a coin into our pool for a chance to win big and see your desires immortalized in digital art!

Trevi Fountain - Manifest your dreams

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

Welcome to Trevi Fountain, a unique blockchain game where your wishes transform into NFT art pieces through AIGC. Along with your wish, you contribute cryptocurrency to a lottery pool. Your wish, now an NFT, also serves as your lottery ticket. Through a provably fair system, a winner is selected to receive the accumulated pool. Dive into Trevi Fountain today—where wishes turn into NFTs and dreams could become a fortune!

-- User's wish will be used as prompt to generate the digital art for the NFT wishing card -- The purchase fee will goes into the big pool -- If the wish comes true, the user may donate extra money into the pool as well -- The NFT card serve as lottery tickets to win big from the pool as well.

How it's Made

I'm a junior student in middle with very short experience of coding and blockchain . This is first time I join the Hackthon. The project contain 4 major technique parts:

  1. NFT mints
  2. Lottery system using NFT
  3. Chainlink VRF
  4. AIGC

I use smart contract to create NFT wish card and lottery pools. The NFT creation and lottery is modified from open source code. The AIGC part is use Dall-E from Open-AI from online and the image for NFT is saved on Filecoin. In the lottery, I use Chainlink VRF to generate random number. My friends suggest me to deploy it on Polygon, but first step is to run a test Goerli.

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