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A platform to connect volunteers and NGOs and incentivize volunteers via NGO specific on-chain creds, that they can use to redeem swag from sponsors. Volunteers can easily sign up for short and long term activities. Volunteer can upload proofs of what they've contributed.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

The project uses a range of technologies to achieve its goals. NextJS is used as the web framework to build the front-end of the application. Solidity, a programming language used for developing smart contracts, is used for developing and deploying the blockchain-based system. Ethers.js is used for contract interaction with Ethereum. IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is utilized to store proofs of work, and Filecoin, a decentralized storage network, is used for data storage. HyperSpace is used to enable network cycling for NGOs, allowing them to switch between different network providers. The Push protocol is used to send notifications to NGOs as soon as they register. These technologies work together to create a decentralized and transparent system that empowers NGOs to make a positive impact on society.

How it's Made

Trucause is a blockchain-based platform that connects NGOs and volunteers, facilitating collaboration towards social causes. NGOs can register and onboard new volunteers through the platform. Once registered, NGOs can organize and add various activities for volunteers to participate in, monitor their respective activities, and reward them with tokens for their participation.

Volunteers can view the activities available near their location, as well as all the activities available on the platform. They can register for activities through the dashboard and scan a QR code to mark their entry time. As proof of their participation, volunteers must upload a picture, which is stored using IPFS for secure and tamper-proof storage. NGOs can easily verify the uploaded picture to ensure that volunteers have completed their assigned tasks.Volunteers are given a buffer to exit early, but they can stay as late as they want to. Once the activity is completed, the NGO will distribute tokens to the volunteers.

The participation, completion of task and tokens is secured using blockchain technology, ensuring that volunteers cannot cheat for rewards. The tokens act as an incentive for more people to join the cause initiated by the NGOs, thus giving the platform its name - Trucause.

Trucause enables NGOs to easily manage their volunteers and activities, while volunteers can easily find and participate in activities that align with their interests and location. The blockchain-based approach ensures transparency and accountability, making Trucause a reliable platform for NGOs and volunteers alike.

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