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Trust Explorer

Safeguard your blockchain experience! Trust Explorer: a contract scoring system with Ethereum attestation & worldID verification for secure reviews. Say no to untrustworthy contracts. 🛡️

Trust Explorer

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

🥇 EAS — Best Use

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Project Description

Trust Explorer is a cutting-edge platform empowering the blockchain community to evaluate contract reliability. Users provide reputation scores through attestations, alerting others to potential scams or trustworthy contracts. We ensure the privacy and security of reviews by utilizing EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service) and WorldCoin's WorldId verification. Quickly locate desired contracts with the search bar, explore reviews, and contribute your own valuable feedback. Safeguard your blockchain journey with Trust Explorer's transparent and community-driven contract scoring system. Together, we create a safer decentralized ecosystem.

How it's Made

Let's dive a little deeper into the technologies that compose Trust Explorer.

First, the frontend provides users with a straightforward experience to explore contract reputation scores on supported chains, currently focusing on OPTIMISM GOERLI. Address-based searches grant quick access to contract pages, where users can leave reviews via EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service) attestations following our simple custom-made schema.

To uphold service reliability and thwart bot spam, we implemented a robust WorldCoin's WorldID sign-in process: each reviewer's identity proof undergoes on-chain verification through our custom EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service) schema resolver. This feature validates all attestations conforming to the schema, whether generated via our frontend or external sources, facilitating decentralized query access. To support data retrieval for each contract, we engineered a custom subgraph hosted on TheGraph, ensuring optimal data accessibility.

MetamaskSDK plays a pivotal role in the project, enabling seamless wallet connectivity and transaction submissions for attestation generation.

The use of these advanced technologies ensures a trustworthy platform for the Web3 community.

Throughout the development process, we placed emphasis on simplicity, usability, and user benefits, catering to both beginners and experts seeking to double-check their actions. Our commitment to security standards and Sybil protection standards resulted in a robust and reliable solution, empowering users to make informed decisions in the Web3 landscape. 🛡️

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