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Trust Minimized BTC

We use MPC network with a ZK Rollup (Mina Protokit) to control Bitcoin accounts with a truly trust minimized, custody less manner. We integrated Hyperlane bridge to demonstrate how to program the wallets by creating a wallet marketplace smart contract deployed on Linea

Trust Minimized BTC

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Detailed user journey is described in Presentation:

We use MPC signing to control signing process over Bitcoin UTXOs. Controlling requiers a blockchain. For ultimate verifiability and security we decided to use a rollup. Our initial approach was to use Cosmos App Chain. However, by investigation other options we found that Mina with it's Zero Knowledge appchain framework Protokit - is a better solution with superior verifiability and security. Moreover, we found that Protokit is very developer friendly, and we were able to very quickly get it up and running.

How it's Made


  • 2PC-MPC network to sign Bitcoin transactions
  • ZK Rollup (Mina Protokit) to program the the signing process
  • Hyperlane to bridge Bitcoin wallets as NFTs to the global blockchain ecosystem
  • Linea as the go to platform to securely program the Bitcoin wallets (that contain assets) as NFTs. The wallet is locked for signing, and transactions from that wallet is only possible when the wallet (NFT) is bridged back to ZK Rollup to enable back MPC signing process.
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