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Trust Protocol

Revolutionizing trust on the web with a protocol where you putting money at risk on those you truly trust.

Trust Protocol

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

ApeCoin - Most creative consumer use case

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Nethermind - Best Web3 Social 1st place

Project Description

The project is designed to tackle the pervasive issue of trust and reputation on web3 platforms and social media, where the landscape is riddled with scammers, rug pullers, and shillers. The central question it seeks to answer is: how can one truly know if someone is trustworthy? 🛡️

In the realm of social media, legitimacy is often gauged by the number of followers one has. However, this metric's validity is questionable when followers can be bought inexpensively, raising doubts about its effectiveness in measuring someone's influence legitimately. The project proposes a paradigm shift towards a more reliable metric that correlates with an individual's integrity and ethics rather than their follower count. 🤔

This innovative approach suggests we are entering an era where it's possible to quantify values — a significant departure from traditional trust metrics. It poses a thought-provoking question: how many friends could you confidently lend $1000 to, knowing they would repay you? This scenario lays the foundation for what the project defines as your trusted network. 💡

To participate in this trust protocol, users are invited to bring their network, but only those they truly trust. This is because participants will need to stake money, which their network members can potentially withdraw. This mechanism encourages the addition of only genuinely trustable friends, leveraging financial stakes as a deterrent against including unreliable connections. The protocol also incorporates measures to prevent Sybil attacks by requiring a Worldcoin ID, thereby ensuring each participant's uniqueness and authenticity. 🔐

Imagine being able to see, on platforms like Twitter, not just who trusts whom, but also how much they trust them, for how long they have trusted them, and the financial stake backing that trust. This transparency aims to eliminate toxic individuals from one's network — the scammers, the relentless project shillers, and the rug pullers — creating a community where each connection adds joy and value rather than doubt. 🌐

By establishing a network of closely trusted individuals, participants can unlock a myriad of use cases, from giving a trust score, making introductions (intros) among trusted members to facilitating social recovery mechanisms. This project envisions a future where trust is not just a sentiment but a quantifiable and verifiable metric, transforming how relationships and reputations are built and maintained in the digital age. 🔍

How it's Made

Connect with Twitter, use Privy for access to the protocol.

Account Abstraction: We leverage ERC-4337, Pimlico, Gnosis Safe, and Base for a seamless and secure user experience.

Smart Contract: Our smart contract computes the credit score and enables users to borrow based on their total score.

Frontend Development: We chose Next.js for the user interface, complemented by Tailwind CSS and Shadcn for a visually appealing and intuitive design.

Database Management: Supabase was integrated to provide real-time data synchronization and a scalable database solution, boosting development efficiency.

Noteworthy Hacks: We focused on demonstrating the project's capabilities through a smooth onboarding process.

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