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Trustless Tricksters

A decentralized poker game built on Morph zkEVM, featuring secure card shuffling, Chainlink VRF for fairness, XMTP chat, and Web3Auth login. Experience the future of poker with fast, low-cost, and cheat-resistant gameplay on the blockchain. 🃏🔐🚀 #Web3Poker

Trustless Tricksters

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Trustless Tricksters is a groundbreaking decentralized poker game that leverages cutting-edge blockchain technology to provide players with a secure, fair, and immersive gaming experience. Built on the Morph zkEVM, our platform ensures fast, low-cost transactions and enhanced privacy through the use of zero-knowledge proofs. By deploying smart contracts on the Morph Holesky testnet, we create a transparent and tamper-proof environment where players can enjoy poker without the risk of cheating or manipulation.

At the core of Trustless Tricksters lies a commitment to fairness and randomness. We integrate Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) to generate provably fair and unbiased random numbers for card shuffling and dealing. This ensures that every hand dealt is entirely random and cannot be influenced by any party, creating a level playing field for all participants.

To elevate the gameplay experience, we introduce Galadriel AI agents as worthy opponents. These intelligent poker agents, developed using advanced machine learning techniques, provide a challenging and engaging experience for players of all skill levels. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, you can test your strategies against our AI agents and improve your skills in a safe and controlled environment.

Trustless Tricksters prioritizes player communication and interaction. We integrate XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol) to enable secure, end-to-end encrypted in-game chat and messaging. Players can communicate with each other, discuss strategies, and foster a sense of community within the game. XMTP ensures that all player conversations remain private and protected.

To streamline the user onboarding process, we incorporate Web3Auth, a secure and user-friendly authentication solution. With Web3Auth, players can easily create non-custodial wallets and log in to Trustless Tricksters using their preferred social media accounts or passwordless methods. This eliminates the need for complex wallet setups and enhances accessibility for a wider audience. By combining the power of Morph zkEVM, Chainlink VRF, Galadriel AI, XMTP, and Web3Auth, Trustless Tricksters delivers a decentralized poker experience that is secure, fair, engaging, and accessible. Join us on this exciting journey as we revolutionize the world of online poker and unlock the potential of blockchain technology in the gaming industry.

How it's Made

Trustless Tricksters, our decentralized poker game, is built using a combination of cutting-edge technologies and a modular architecture designed for scalability, security, and performance. The foundation of our project lies in the Morph zkEVM, a powerful zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine that enables fast, low-cost, and privacy-preserving transactions. By deploying our smart contracts on the Morph Holesky testnet, we ensure a seamless and efficient gaming experience for our players.

At the heart of our game logic is the integration of Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function). Chainlink VRF is a tamper-proof and auditable random number generator that ensures the fairness and integrity of our card shuffling and dealing process. By leveraging Chainlink VRF, we eliminate the possibility of cheating or manipulation, providing players with a truly random and unbiased gaming environment.

To enhance the gameplay experience, we have developed sophisticated AI agents using Galadriel, a cutting-edge platform for building and deploying AI models on the blockchain. Our Galadriel-powered AI agents are trained using advanced machine learning techniques, enabling them to analyze game states, make strategic decisions, and provide a challenging and engaging opponent for players of all skill levels. The AI agents are seamlessly integrated into our smart contracts, allowing for smooth interaction with human players.

Trustless Tricksters prioritizes player communication and interaction, and to facilitate this, we have integrated XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol). XMTP provides a secure and decentralized messaging infrastructure that enables end-to-end encrypted in-game chat and messaging. By leveraging XMTP, we ensure that player conversations remain private and protected, fostering a safe and trustworthy environment for player interaction.

To streamline the user onboarding process and enhance accessibility, we have incorporated Web3Auth, a next-generation authentication solution for Web3 applications. Web3Auth allows players to create non-custodial wallets and log in to Trustless Tricksters using their preferred social media accounts or passwordless methods. This eliminates the need for complex wallet setups and lowers the barrier to entry for new players. Web3Auth's seamless integration ensures a smooth and user-friendly experience for all participants.

Under the hood, our smart contracts are written in Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum smart contracts. We have employed best practices in smart contract development, including modular design, thorough testing, and security audits to ensure the robustness and reliability of our platform. The front-end of Trustless Tricksters is built using modern web technologies such as React, providing a responsive and intuitive user interface for players to interact with the game.

To optimize performance and scalability, we have implemented a microservices architecture, allowing for the decoupling of various game components and enabling independent scaling of each service based on demand. This architectural design ensures that Trustless Tricksters can handle a large number of concurrent players without compromising on speed or reliability.

One notable hack we employed was the use of a custom Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) protocol for shuffling the deck of cards. This innovative approach ensures that no single party, not even the game administrators, can know the order of the cards in the deck until they are revealed during gameplay. By combining SMPC with Chainlink VRF, we achieve an unprecedented level of fairness and transparency in our card shuffling process.

Throughout the development process, we have leveraged the power of partner technologies to enhance the capabilities and user experience of Trustless Tricksters. The Morph zkEVM provides a robust and scalable infrastructure for our smart contracts, while Chainlink VRF ensures the integrity of our random number generation. Galadriel enables us to create intelligent and challenging AI agents, and XMTP powers secure and private player communication. Web3Auth streamlines user onboarding and authentication, making our platform accessible to a wider audience.

By seamlessly integrating these cutting-edge technologies and employing a modular and scalable architecture, Trustless Tricksters delivers a decentralized poker experience that is secure, fair, engaging, and user-friendly. We have pushed the boundaries of what is possible with blockchain technology and have created a platform that showcases the potential of decentralized gaming.

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