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Tube Subnet

Tube is an experimental project that attempts to create an on chain DB using IPC from Filecoin.

Tube Subnet

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Filecoin - Most meaningful use of Interplanetary Consensus for scalability 2nd place

Project Description

We deployed a Subnet (Tube Subnet) from testnet calibration network on our virtual machine, you can connect to it and play with our contracts!

On Calibnet, We deployed DBGod.sol.

On Tube Subnet, we Deployed DBManager.sol.

This contract is responsible for creating Databases, DB.sol.

Both contract use Clone pattern to generate respectively new DBs and new Tables (Table.sol), so this operation will be less expensive. Calling DBGod.sol, users can make queries on the DB stored on Tube Subnet.

We also deployed an ERC20 token in the subnet to be used as a main ERC20 token called MoneyTube

How it's Made

We deployed a Subnet (Tube Subnet) from testnet calibration network on our virtual machine, you can connect to it and play with our contracts!

On Calibnet, We deployed DBGod.sol.

On Tube Subnet, we Deployed DBManager.sol.

This contract is responsible for creating Databases, DB.sol.

Both contract use Clone pattern to generate respectively new DBs and new Tables (Table.sol), so this operation will be less expensive. Calling DBGod.sol, users can make queries on the DB stored on Tube Subnet.

We also deployed an ERC20 token in the subnet to be used as a main ERC20 token called MoneyTube

Testing We tested our contracts, check it out: test folder

Deploying check out the deploy script, to run them, just add a .env with ACCOUNT_PK with your private key: deploy script

Subnet TUBE SUBNET RPC: CHAIN ID: 3830613802618472

Contracts MONEYTUBE ERC20: 0x4E22FB13733fcF8C025946A8FE22289A7C6316AB

DB MANAGER ADDRESS: 0xDe626931837a3d4Effd17Eb359DC3Bd51061d307

DB ADDRESS: 0x7DCD1635c7fB57a1bDa3b50D79E7910833a9fec4

TABLE ADDRESS: 0xdEaf47941Ea4a48650159110B4559C784C4E9290

DBGOD: 0x95D8B3ec1F724785728e7c6D9b7645183f41094c

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