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Twype is a tradeable video calls platform based on Orb NFTs. It uses Huddl01 for weekly token-gated calls at specified time slots.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🥈 Huddle01 — Best Use

Project Description

Twype is a platform that allows to mint and sell video Orbs. Orb is an ERC-721 NFT that allows its owner to have a token-gated video call via Huddle01 with the orb minter once a week in a predefined time slot.

Who want to mint orbs? Web3 experts, influencers, famous people, etc. Who want to own an orb? Those who seek advice or just want to chat with their idols.

How it's Made

Twype relies on Huddle token-gated video calls. Frontend uses react, Huddle01, wagmi. Contracts are heavily modified ERC-721 contracts with support of Auctions, Harberger's tax, etc. The contracts are based Eric Wall's orb with modifications that allow for video invocation.

One of this modification is solving the problem of several orb owners join a call at the same time. We modified original Orb contracts to accommodate for this. When orb is created, a time slot in seconds. It represents an offset from the beginning of the week - uint256 timeSlotBegin and uint256 timeSlotEnd. Both can be from 0 to 604800 = 72460*60 seconds = 1 week. For the start of the week we take Unix epoch start January 1st, 1970, Thursday. We override standard ERC-721 “balanceOf” function to return 0 if current time falls out of [timeSlotBegin, timeSlotEnd] range. As a result, only the specific orb owner can have a call with the orb creator at the designated time, other orb owners cannot join. Smart contracts repo:

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