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Tyche App-Oracle Kit

Tyche Kit - build your own app-spetific permissionless and censorship resistant oracle

Tyche App-Oracle Kit

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Tyche Oracle Kit is a set of smart contracts, node.js libraries and theoretical concepts that can be applied to build app-specific embedded oracles. It is completely open source and can be considered as a public good. App-oracles created based on Tyche Kit can provide various off-chain data, for instance, USD, BTC or GOLD prices.

Oracle implements the following concepts to achieve its goals:

  • Ethereum POS-like staking & slashing mechanisms that allow anyone with a minimal stake to run an Oracle node;
  • Commit-reveal game for price submission and custom randomness generation;
  • Price adjustments using medians during multiple rounds of price collection; It helps secure Oracle and apply game theory to prevent malicious behaviour.

How it's Made

To demonstrate the Tyche Oracle Kit, our team built a simple Tyche Oracle using three primitives: oracle smart contracts, oracle node and web view. Smart contracts have been written in Solidity with the usage of Hardhat & Foundry, dgma project templates and deployment scripts for fast development and prototyping. Oracle Node is implemented as a docker container that runs node.js and uses viem to execute smart contract calls. The solution is deployed to Sepolia Base and Arbitrum Sepolia networks.

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