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Unify Finance

Reputation pool subscribers and portfolio manager across different wallets

Unify Finance

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Uniswap Foundation - Integrations & Periphery 1st place

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Our project tackles different components. Firstly, we are proposing a reputation mechanism for liquidity pool on Uniswap. The idea is to leverage the 'ISubscriber' interface from Uniswap to monitor the pool movement and be able to produce a score for each users.

We also, interested in hook development to proposed different strategy. We focus our attention our two main approaches: one hook for stable coin pool where after a swap we wanted to adjust the pool reserve. And another hook where we wanted to do a dynamic tick adjustment. In this specific case, we wanted to rotate liquidity tick limit after a swap to maintain and liquidity concentration. This scenario can happened when we have a large order on the pool, where it has no impact on other pool, and the user have approve before hand the pool rebalancing.

Finally, we wanted to provide an interface where users can monitor their positions and manage in a single interface all the possible actions. We are relying on Near protocol to generate and manage multiple wallets through a single near wallet.

How it's Made

Regarding the Uniswap subscriber, we are relying on the 'ISubscriber' interface. We then create a Reputation contract that manage all the logic for the reputation. The idea is to track all the open position provided by a user and build a reputation score from it. The longer the user provide liquidity, the higher the reputation will be. For the reputation, we are looking at the amount of the two tokens provided. Then, when the user transfer liquidity or remove one, we are removing from our tracking list the token. Notice that if the number of token is less that the total position, we still want to compound previous token based on the initial time deposit.

On the Near integration, we have build on top of the template provided. We also try to simplify the chain behavior by starting to think on a SDK approach where we could simplify process that are common across the different chains.

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