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An exciting way to run community programs on-chain with on-chain history of the contribution by contributors.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

uniti is a protocol that provides API solutions to build several applications on top of it which can be used to run out-of-the-box community events like Giveaways, Advocates/Ambassador Programs, Gated Group Chats, etc.

We have used several different web3 tech stacks to make the highly complex task as simple as API calls.

For this hackathon, we have made an implementation of uniti protocol where anyone can start a Program and launch different campaigns in it.

How it's Made

To achieve this complex task we have used several different web3 tech stacks.

  1. Polygon Mumbai Testnet => L2 Solution for high TPS and Scalability.
  2. WeaveDB => For Permanent File storage at a very low cost.
  3. Hardhat => Smart Contract Development Environment
  4. EIP 6551 => The heart of Uniti for creating Token Bound Accounts
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