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A script writing platform for screenwriters creating movies and looking to monetize them


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

πŸ₯ˆ ApeCoin DAO β€” Best Consumer Use Case

🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Unscripted is a project that applies web3 technologies to empower screenwriters.

If you've been following the news, you've most likely come across the recent strike by the writer's guild. They fear three main things -

  1. Low wages because writers don’t receive royalties for their work

  2. Worried that AI will replace them

  3. Hard to get discovered

With Unscripted, we solve for all three of these. That is,

  1. Writers can earn royalties

  2. Good writers get discovered quickly

  3. AI not to replace writers but to augment writers

We use Polygon Zk EVM, Scroll and Filecoin VM to keep an immutable knowledge of which scripts are written by which writer. Everytime the script is sold to a new entity, the writer gets a royalty. Moreover, it is very easy to discover good writers on Unscripted as the community can curate good writings using their tokens. We apply Liquid Staking for this and show a POC with ApeCoin.

Everytime a writer publishes a script, a new cover image is generated. We hope to enable generation of videos from writings directly. This would be really empowering for a screenwriter as they can now have multiple ways of showcasing their ideas.

Finally, we use Safe's Auth kit and Onramp kit to smoothen the experience, such that this tech is available to non-crypto natives.

All the data in our application is stored on TableLand

How it's Made

Polygon ZkEVM, Scroll and FVM are used for permissionlessly make it possible for writer's to own their content, earn royalties. Its also used for community members to stake their tokens and curate writing quality. Tableland is used to store application data Safe Authkit and Onramp kit are used to make the UX really simple ApeCoin is used in the example to showcase how such a community could use their native token to empower screenwriter.

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